Friday, October 28, 2016

Augustine, Aquinas, Barlaam & Palamas: The Root of Western Theological Error Jay Dyer

When Western theology attempts to understand and interact with Eastern Orthodox theology’s distinctions, it is generally dismissed as “Palamism” – some form of obscure, medieval Byzantine mysticism. Upon deeper reflection and the realization the Eastern Fathers all teach a distinction between essence and energy in God, in our watered-down ecumenical morass, it has become an exercise in seeing if oil and water can be mixed. As a Roman Catholic year back I tried to do this mixing job, as well. Is there some way to reconcile the two? As a good friend once said, if the two communions have argued against one another on this issue for hundreds of years, is it really plausible that a few online bloggers can reconcile the breach? No, it isn’t, nor is it plausible the Eastern Church desperately needs the pope, when, by the mere fact that the Eastern Church still expands and exists with the same “Palamite” dogma it had (before St. Gregory Palamas!) a thousand years ago, it therefore does not “need the pope.”

Let’s look at some recent arguments given in attempt to both prove the Thomistic doctrine of God’s absolute simplicity or reconcile it. Catholic apologist Taylor Marshall, for example, in trying to argue that because St. John of Damascus mentions “one energy” in God in his classic On the Orthodox Faith, somehow believes this equates to Thomism. This is incorrect for two reasons. First, because Aquinas explicitly rejects any distinction between essence and energy, and second, St. John says the energy of God is both one and multiple. Other Catholic apologists argue this “oneness” of energy means that “in God” all actions and attributes are therefore one and identified (following Aquinas again). Calvinist apologist Steven Wedgeworth (who has no grasp of these issues whatsoever) argues this and has been responded to here. A reading of the entire Book I, however, is necessary to grasp the full meaning of what St. John is saying, as well as Book III where St. John applies the essence – energy distinction at length to Christology. Indeed, what Protestants especially fail to grasp is that the essence-energy distinction that is found in God is also the sole foundation of Orthodox Christology as explicated at the Ecumenical Councils.

St. John says the natural energy of God is one because there is one God. There is one will in God because will is a property of nature. There is one divine nature, so there can only be one God operating. This is in contrast to certain heretics who said that willing is a property of a hypostasis, meaning there would then be three wills in God and one in Christ, the monothelite heresy St. Maximos the Confessor combatted. This was also applied to Christology by the post-Chalcedonian Nestorians, who argued that since there are two wills in Christ, there must be two Persons, since they also assumed will is a property of Person. Will is not a property of Person, but of nature, as the Ecumenical councils all teach and as is ably demonstrated from Scripture in St. Maximos’ Disputations with Pyrrhus (the monothelite). Ironically, the argument these western “apologists” make is the same heresy of the monothelites who made the case that because there were some mentions of Christ operating with “one theandric energy” by St. Cyril, this meant there was only one nature and energy in Christ. As St. Maximos explained to Pyrrhus, the statement applied to the fact that, as Incarnate, the mode of willing and operating was from one hypostatic subject, the Son of God. This did not mean that the two natures and distinct energies proper to those natures, were confused.

St. John will make this abundantly clear in his Book III on Christology. Since God has one will, it is one God operating, and that God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, operates with one natural energy. However, this does not mean that all of God’s actions are isomorphically identified. St. John does not believe this and makes it clear the operations are also multiple. And, contrary to the western apologists, are not strictly “all one in Him.” We can show this simply by asking whether, when Christ was Incarnate, whether that divine Person’s operation of Providence was the same as His operation of foreknowledge. Was Jesus’ raising of the dead man (a divine operation) identically the same operation as walking on water? Of course not. They are manifestly two different operations. It is one God who is operating and it’s one energy (because of One source) in that sense, but it’s not absolutely and identically the same operation because the hypostatic mode is different.

It was not, for example, the Father who became Incarnate, nor the Spirit who underwent crucifixion. Thus, while the willing is one, the mode of that willing is multiple because of multiple hypostaseis. In Thomism and classical Protestantism, these actions must all be strictly identified, since act, will and essence are all strictly one in God. Furthermore, even if St John taught that God only has one action, it still would not support Thomism or western simplicity, since this mischaracterization of St. John still affirms a real distinction between essence and energy – the very thing the western argument was intended to refute.

St. John explains:

“Each then of the affirmations about God should be thought of as signifying not what He is in essence, but either something that it is impossible to make plain, or some relation to some of those things which are contrasts or some of those things that follow the nature, or an energy. ” (I.9)

A bit earlier he had written:

“The Deity being incomprehensible is also assuredly nameless. Therefore since we know not His essence, let us not seek for a name for His essence. For names are explanations of actual things. But God, Who is good and brought us out of nothing into being that we might share in His goodness, and Who gave us the faculty of knowledge, not only did not impart to us His essence, but did not even grant us the knowledge of His essence. For it is impossible for nature to understand fully the supernatural. Moreover, if knowledge is of things that are , how can there be knowledge of the super-essential? Through His unspeakable goodness [an energy!], then, it pleased Him to be called by names that we could understand, that we might not be altogether cut off from the knowledge of Him but should have some notion of Him, however vague. Inasmuch, then, as He is incomprehensible, He is also unnameable. But inasmuch as He is the cause of all and contains in Himself the reasons and causes of all that is, He receives names drawn from all that is, even from opposites: for example, He is called light and darkness, water and fire: in order that we may know that these are not of His essence but that He is super-essential and unnameable: but inasmuch as He is the cause of all, He receives names from all His effects.”

Notice that we do a version of analogia, as I have continually argued, but not of His essence. This is a key quotation. St. John says that in deification, we do not participate in God’s essence, but in His energy of “goodness.” The goodness of God is an energy or operation, not some attribute of an absolutely simple essence. It’s an operation of a Person. This also refutes Steven Wedgeworth’s argument that the ”energy” is somehow one of many attributes of God’s essence. Furthermore, as Fr. Staniloae argues in his Orthodox Dogmatics Vol. I: The Experience of God pages 108-110, the Orthodox view is analogia energeia, not Aquinas’ analogia entis (and certainly not the Protestant analogia fide).

Thus, St. John says:

“When, then, we have perceived these things and are conducted from these to the divine essence, we do not apprehend the essence itself but only the attributes of the essence: just as we have not apprehended the essence of the soul even when we have learned that it is incorporeal and without magnitude and form…”

According to Aquinas, the attributes are real, substantial (negative) predicates of God’s essence, although not exhaustive. St. John says the attributes are notstatements of what He is, but of his energies/operations. Thomas explicitly rejects energies as distinct from essence, as well as these very arguments from St. John, which demonstrates Aquinas thought East and West were not “saying the same thing.”

Thomas writes in his work “On Divine Simplicity,” Art. 4:

Are good, wise, just and the like are predicated of God as accidents?

It seems that they are.

1. Whatever is predicated of something not as signifying substance but what follows on nature signifies an accident. But Damascene says that good and just and holy as said of God follow nature and do not signify substance itself.

On the Contrary:

Boethius says that God, since He is a simple form, cannot be a subject. But every accident is in a subject. Therefore, in God, there cannot be any accident….

Moreover, Rabbi Maimonides says that the names of this kind do not signify intentions added to the divine substance of God. But every accident signifies an intention added to the substance of its subject. Therefore the foregoing do not signify an accident in God.” (McInery, Selections From Thomas Aquinas, pg. 306-307).

In other words, everything must fit into the Aristotelian-Platonic scheme that “differentiation” or distinction in God must somehow mean “composition” or division. Instead of looking to what had been declared already in the Ecumenical Councils regarding God’s operations distinct from His essence (as the 6th Council mandates concerning Christology), Thomas relies on Rabbi Maimonides and the absolute simplicity doctrine of Boethius. Note also that he explicitly rejects this argument in St. John:

“Each then of the affirmations about God should be thought of as signifying not what He is in essence, but either something that it is impossible to make plain, or some relation to some of those things which are contrasts or some of those things that follow the nature, or an energy. ” (I.9)

That is the distinction between essence and energy and Thomas explicitly states it’s impossible because, in his Aristotelian dialectical mind, distinction necessitates division or composition. This is why, as I showed elsewhere, for Aquinas the “many” is naturally opposed to the “one.” This error originates in the Greek-Platonic philosophical assumption of what “absolute simplicity” or numerical oneness is. God must then conform to this scheme in almost all western theology, and whatever doesn’t, must mean composition and division. Yet no Eastern Father thought different operations of God distinct from His unknowable nature implied any kind of composition. There is absolutely no need to think that it does. For example, everyone admits the Father really is not the Son – but does that imply composition? Of course not, and neither does a real distinction between what God is and what God does.

Another example of how these ideas are not reconcilable is Thomas’ doctrine of analogis entis telling us something about the divine essence itself, compared with his doctrine of exemplarism, or divine ideas. Aquinas writes:

“Therefore we must hold a different doctrine–viz. that these names signify the divine substance, and are predicated substantially of God, although they fall short of a full representation of Him. Which is proved thus. For these names express God, so far as our intellects know Him. Now since our intellect knows God from creatures, it knows Him as far as creatures represent Him. Now it is shown above (Question 4, Article 2) that God prepossesses in Himself all the perfections of creatures, being Himself simply and universally perfect. Hence every creature represents Him, and is like Him so far as it possesses some perfection…” (ST, I.13.2)

The idea here is that creatures teach us something of God’s essence (since God is His essence), even if this is a negative, apophatic notion. Yet recall what St. John wrote:

“The Deity being incomprehensible is also assuredly nameless. Therefore since we know not His essence, let us not seek for a name for His essence. For names are explanations of actual things. But God, Who is good and brought us out of nothing into being that we might share in His goodness, and Who gave us the faculty of knowledge, not only did not impart to us His essence, but did not even grant us the knowledge of His essence.”

“Each then of the affirmations about God should be thought of as signifying not what He is in essence, but either something that it is impossible to make plain, or some relation to some of those things which are contrasts or some of those things that follow the nature, or an energy. ” (I.9)

These are therefore two different views:

Aquinas : “Therefore we must hold a different doctrine–viz. that these names signify the divine substance, and are predicated substantially of God, although they fall short of a full representation of Him.”

St. John: ”[God] gave us the faculty of knowledge, not only did He not impart to us His essence, but did not even grant us the knowledge of His essence.”

One states we can substantially predicate of God’s essence. The other says we cannot. So much for reconciliation, and, I want to stress (as I showed above) Aquinas explicitly rejects St. John’s very argument on a distinction.

The other path of demonstrating this (before getting to divine ideas) is to consider what St. John says of Christology and the two energies in Christ. St. John writes in Book III:

“We hold, further, that there are two energies in our Lord Jesus Christ. For He possesses on the one hand, as God and being of like essence with the Father, the divine energy, and, likewise, since He became man and of like essence to us, the energy proper to human nature.

But observe that energy and capacity for energy, and the product of energy, and the agent of energy, are all different. Energy is the efficient (δραστική) and essential activity of nature: the capacity for energy is the nature from which proceeds energy: the product of energy is that which is effected by energy: and the agent of energy is the person or subsistence which uses the energy. Further, sometimes energy is used in the sense of the product of energy, and the product of energy in that of energy, just as the terms creation and creature are sometimes transposed. For we say all creation, meaning creatures.

Note also that energy is an activity and is energised rather than energises; as Gregory the Theologian says in his thesis concerning the Holy Spirit : If energy exists, it must manifestly be energised and will not energise: and as soon as it has been energised, it will cease.

Life itself, it should be observed, is energy, yea, the primal energy of the living creature and so is the whole economy of the living creature, its functions of nutrition and growth, that is, the vegetative side of its nature, and the movement stirred by impulse, that is, the sentient side, and its activity of intellect and free-will. Energy, moreover, is the perfect realisation of power. If, then, we contemplate all these in Christ, surely we must also hold that He possesses human energy….

And with regard to the effect, the touching and handling and, so to speak, the embrace of what is effected, belong to the body, while the figuration and formation belong to the soul. And so in connection with our Lord Jesus Christ, the power of miracles is the energy of His divinity, while the work of His hands and the willing and the saying, I will, be thou clean Matthew 8:3, are the energy of His humanity. And as to the effect, the breaking of the loaves John 6:11, and the fact that the leper heard the I will, belong to His humanity, while the multiplication of the loaves and the purification of the leper belong to His divinity. For through both, that is through the energy of the body and the energy of the soul, He displayed one and the same, cognate and equal divine energy. For just as we saw that His natures were united and permeate one another, and yet do not deny that they are different but even enumerate them, although we know they are inseparable, so also in connection with the wills and the energies we know their union, and we recognise their difference and enumerate them without introducing separation. For just as the flesh was deified without undergoing change in its own nature, in the same way also will and energy are deified without transgressing their own proper limits. For whether He is the one or the other, He is one and the same, and whether He wills and energises in one way or the other, that is as God or as man, He is one and the same.”

With this in mind, let’s take both our Catholic and Protestant opponents’ argument to it’s fullest absurdity. The claim is that since St. John says in one section the energy is one, it must mean all actions of God are strictly identified and one “in Him,” as “substantial predicates” of His essence. So, when Jesus worked one miracle, and then worked another miracle, these are two numerically different actions are really numerically the same actions “in His essence.” Such absurdities must be the conclusion of their confused claims. Jesus’ walking on water was then the same act as His multiplying the loaves, as divine acts in His essence (since they show forth the Divine operation as miracles).

This grasping at straws to save a ridiculous argument is all done to maintain the presuppositions of western simplicity, but don’t expect much consistency out of these “apologists.” Thomism and St. John (and by extension all of Eastern Orthodox Dogma) are not reconcilable on Aquinas’ own terms. In regards to Thomas’ doctrine of divine ideas, we see similar confusion and nonsense. This doctrine is also intimately tied to absolute simplicity. For example, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, we read of the divine ideas:
“For them (the Fathers) the ideas are the creative thoughts of God, the archetypes, or patterns, or forms in the mind of the Author of the universe according to which he has made the various speciesof creatures. “Ideæ principales formæ quædam vel rationes rerum stabiles atque incommutabiles, quæ in divinâ intelligentiâ continentur” (St. Augustine, “De Div.”, Q. xlvi). These Divine ideas must not be looked on as distinct entities, for this would be inconsistent with the Divine simplicity. They are identical with the Divine Essence contemplated by the Divine Intellect as susceptible of imitation ad extra.”
For St. Maximus, these divine archetypes are uncreated energetic logoi or patterns or predeterminations of creatures, and are appropriately labeled and analogia energeia, but do not subsist in the divine ousia. In Thomas and Augustine, because of their doctrine of simplicity, these divine ideas all subsist in the absolutely simple essence (and thus are not really distinct at all, except in human conception, which supposedly, in Platonic fashion, mirrors the divine conception). In fact, according to Thomas, God does not directly relate to the world at all, but only indirectly through the archetypes in His essence [!].
Aquinas writes:
“7. In the Gospel according to John (1:3-4), we read: “What was made in him was life…” This means, as Augustine says,”, that all creatures are in the divine mind as a piece of furniture is in the mind of a cabinetmaker. Now, a piece of furniture is in the mind of a cabinetmaker by means of its idea and likeness. Therefore, ideas of all things are in God.
8. A mirror does not lead us to the knowledge of things unless their likenesses are reflected in it. Now, the uncreated Word is a mirror that leads to the knowledge of all creatures, because by the Word the Father utters Himself and all other things. Therefore, likenesses of all things are in the Word.
9. Augustine says: “The Son is the Father’s art, containing the living forms of all things.” Now, those forms are nothing other than ideas. Therefore, ideas exist in God.
10. Augustine says that there are two ways of knowing things: through an essence and through a likeness. Now, God does not know things by means of their essence, because only those things which are present in the knower are known in this manner. Therefore, since He does know things, as is clear from what has been said previously, He must know them by means of their likenesses. Hence, our conclusion is the same as before.” (citation)
This sounds fine at first, except that what is meant is later explained in the Summa and is not what St. Maximus means, but rather that the ideas are all “stuck” the absolutely simple essence:
“Reply to Objection 1. Creatures are said to be in God in a twofold sense. In one way, so far are they are held together and preserved by the divine power; even as we say that things that are in our power are in us. And creatures are thus said to be in God, even as they exist in their own natures. In this sense we must understand the words of the Apostle when he says, “In Him we live, move, and be”; since our being, living, and moving are themselves caused by God. In another sense things are said to be in God, as in Him who knows them, in which sense they are in God through their proper ideas, which in God are not distinct from the divine essence. Hence things as they are in God are the divine essence. And since the divine essence is life and not movement, it follows that things existing in God in this manner are not movement, but life.” (ST, I.18.4)
Aquinas’ doctrine (and Rome’s official dogma) is that all the divine ideas arethe absolutely simple essence, as well as His attributes. The absurdity here is obvious, since God doesn’t relate directly to us through any energy, but rather He relates only to the divine ideas of us “in His essence.” As Fr. Romanides points out, this system comes close to denying that God has any real love for the world. Thomas writes:
“Objection 2. Further, the love of God is eternal. But things apart from God are not from eternity; except in God. Therefore God does not love anything, except as it exists in Himself. But as existing in Him, it is no other than Himself. Therefore God does not love things other than Himself.”
And the response to this good question:
Reply to Objection 2. Although creatures have not existed from eternity, except in God, yet because they have been in Him from eternity, God has known them eternally in their proper natures; and for that reason has loved them, even as we, by the images of things within us, know things existing in themselves.” (ST, I.20.2)
If God has no direct relation with creatures, then how did the Incarnation occur? Remember, in this scheme God does not act within time, as this would mean the divine essence has direct relation with creatures, which is impossible in Thomism. In other words, as St. Gregory Palamas said, atheism would be the result: St. Gregory wrote in response to the Barlaamite [Western] arguments on simplicity:
“Barlaamite. They [Westerns] claim that God is active essence but that he has no other activity besides His essence lest He be a composite being.
XXXI. O[rthodox]. Take caution that they do not bestow upon God “active” as an empty sound of a word, while they contrive precisely by that fact to lead astray those who are in dialogue with them. For the divine Maximus says: “Just as it is impossible to be without being, so is it not possible to be active without activity.” [To Marinus200C] Hence, by taking away the divine activity and by fusing it with essence by saying that the activity does not differ from that essence, they have made God an essence without activity. And not only that, but they have also completely annihilated God’s being itself and they have become atheists in the universe [a world without god]; for the same Maximus says: “When the divine and human activity is taken away, there is no God, nor man.” [To Marinus 96B; cf. 201AB] For it is absolutely necessary that the person who says that the activity in God is not different from his essence falls into the trap of atheism. For we know that God is only from His proper activities. Hence, for him who destroys God’s activities and does not admit that they differ from His essence, the necessary consequence is that he does not know that God is. Furthermore, because the great Basil has revealed everywhere in his writings that “no activity can exist independently,” [Against Eunomius4] those who contend that the essence of God does not differ from His activity, have surpassed even Sabellius in impiety. For he made only the Son and the Spirit without existences (hypostasis), but those people make the essence of God, which has three hypostases, without existence (hypostasis).
–St. Gregory Palamas, Dialogue between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite which Invalidates in Detail the Barlaamite Error, XXX-XXXI (Global Publications/CEMERS, n.d.; tr. Rein Ferwerda).
In other words, if God has no operations different from His simple essence, which Aquinas says that the “attributes” are only human intellectual descriptions of causal effects we experience in time (and never really God directly), then God cannot be known. Only the causatory “effects of God” are known in this life (short of the “Beatific Vision” of God’s essence in Thomism!), of an absolutely simple monadic essence–and even these cannot be known truly, as they are all really the same! One does not know whether he is experiencing wrath, love, justice, etc., as all “actions” of God are merely causal, created effects in history.

This is why St. Basil said the following in response to Eunomius (who identified essence and attribute in God) which applies word-for-word to Thomas:
“Letter 234
To the same, in answer to another question.
Do you worship what you know or what you do not know? If I answer, I worship what I know, they immediately reply, What is the essence of the object of worship? Then, if I confess that I am ignorant of the essence, they turn on me again and say, So you worship you know not what. I answer that the word to know has many meanings. We say that we know the greatness of God, His power, His wisdom, His goodness, His providence over us, and the justness of His judgment; but not His very essence. The question is, therefore, only put for the sake of dispute. For he who denies that he knows the essence does not confess himself to be ignorant of God, because our idea of God is gathered from all the attributes which I have enumerated. But God, he says, is simple, and whatever attribute of Him you have reckoned as knowable is of His essence. But the absurdities involved in this sophism are innumerable. When all these high attributes have been enumerated, are they all names of one essence? And is there the same mutual force in His awfulness and His loving-kindness, His justice and His creative power, His providence and His foreknowledge, and His bestowal of rewards and punishments, His majesty and His providence? In mentioning any one of these do we declare His essence? If they say, yes, let them not ask if we know the essence of God, but let them enquire of us whether we know God to be awful, or just, or merciful. These we confess that we know. If they say that essence is something distinct, let them not put us in the wrong on the score of simplicity. For they confess themselves that there is a distinction between the essence and each one of the attributes enumerated. The operations are various, and the essence simple, but we say that we know our God from His operations, but do not undertake to approach near to His essence. His operations come down to us, but His essence remains beyond our reach.
2. But, it is replied, if you are ignorant of the essence, you are ignorant of Himself. Retort, If you say that you know His essence, you are ignorant of Himself. A man who has been bitten by a mad dog, and sees a dog in a dish, does not really see any more than is seen by people in good health; he is to be pitied because he thinks he sees what he does not see. Do not then admire him for his announcement, but pity him for his insanity. Recognise that the voice is the voice of mockers, when they say, if you are ignorant of the essence of God, you worship what you do not know. I do know that He exists; what His essence is, I look at as beyond intelligence. How then am I saved? Through faith. It is faith sufficient to know that God exists, without knowing what He is; and He is a rewarder of them that seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 So knowledge of the divine essence involves perception of His incomprehensibility, and the object of our worship is not that of which we comprehend the essence, but of which we comprehend that the essence exists.
3. And the following counter question may also be put to them. No man has seen God at any time, the Only-begotten which is in the bosom has declared him. John 1:18 What of the Father did the Only-begotten Son declare? His essence or His power? If His power, we know so much as He declared to us. If His essence, tell me where He said that His essence was the being unbegotten? When did Abraham worship? Was it not when he believed? And when did he believe? Was it not when he was called? Where in this place is there any testimony in Scripture to Abraham’s comprehending? When did the disciples worship Him? Was it not when they saw creation subject to Him? It was from the obedience of sea and winds to Him that they recognised His Godhead. Therefore the knowledge came from the operations, and the worship from the knowledge. Believest thou that I am able to do this? I believe, Lord; and he worshipped Him. So worship follows faith, and faith is confirmed by power. But if you say that the believer also knows, he knows from what he believes; and vice versa he believes from what he knows. We know God from His power. We, therefore, believe in Him who is known, and we worship Him who is believed in.”

Antiochian Western Diocese episcopal appointment causes concern

On Wednesday, October 26, a press conference was held outside the St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Los Angeles, reports . The topic was unpleasant, but one which has many in the diocese deeply concerned—clergy and laity alike.
In a letter dated October 6, His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America announced the appointment of Bishop Demetri as vicar bishop of the Diocese of the West, saying “I would like and expect you to welcome His Grace Bishop DEMETRI to your parishes and to treat him as though I myself was visiting you.”
The concern arises from Bishop Demetri Matta Khoury’s February 25, 2004 conviction for attempted fourth degree criminal sexual misconduct. He was arrested July 9, 2003 after appearing plain-clothed and visibly intoxicated in a Michigan casino where he grabbed a woman’s breast. He stated that he didn’t remember the night, but plead guilty after viewing the casino’s security footage.
He was sentenced to twenty-eight days in jail with two years of probation, and required to register as a sex offender, although his conviction and classification were both later revoked after he appealed in 2014.
Bishop Demetri was granted retirement following his conviction, but while still a registered sex offender was appointed as auxiliary bishop for the Antiochian Archdiocese of Mexico, though the Synod again retired him in 2009 due to public outcry.
Given this history, many are concerned about personal safety, and struggling to understand this move on the part of Met. Joseph, what message the diocese is sending about sexual abuse, and how to best proceed in this difficult situation.

The meeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar Moscow Patriarchate

October 28, 2016 in the Patriarchal residence in St. Daniel's Monastery in Moscow hosted a meeting of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia AM Бородой. Beard.
Со стороны Русской Православной Церкви во встрече участвовали заместитель председателя Отдела внешних церковных связей архимандрит Филарет (Булеков) и секретарь по межрелигиозным отношениям ОВЦС священник Димитрий Сафонов . The Russian Orthodox Church was represented by the deputy chairman of the Department for External Church Relations Archimandrite Filaret (Bulekov) and secretary for interfaith relations, DECR Rev. Dimitry Safonov .
Приветствуя гостей, Святейший Патриарх Кирилл отметил, что высоко оценивает уровень сотрудничества Московского Патриархата с Федерацией еврейских общин России: «У нас очень хорошее сотрудничество на уровне Межрелигиозного совета по многим вопросам. Welcoming the guests, His Holiness said that he highly appreciates the level of cooperation of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Federation of Jewish communities: "We have very good cooperation at the level of the Interreligious Council on many issues. По большинству вопросов мы единомысленно выступаем, потому что отталкиваемся от библейских нравственных принципов». On most issues we are unanimously in favor, because the start from the biblical moral principles. "
«Защита нравственной жизни людей, духовной жизни людей является задачей всех традиционных религий. "Protection of the moral life of the people, the spiritual life of the people is the goal of all traditional religions. И в этом смысле у нас есть с вами общий фронт работы», — заявил Предстоятель Русской Православной Церкви. And in this sense we have with you a common front work ", - said the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Главный раввин России Берл Лазар, поблагодарив Святейшего Патриарха за возможность встречи, в частности, отметил: «Мы реально ценим вашу открытость, понимание и дружбу, потому что Вы, действительно, являетесь примером и как духовный человек всегда находите правильное решение». Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar thanked His Holiness the Patriarch for the meeting, in particular, said: "We really appreciate your openness, understanding and friendship, because you really are an example and as a spiritual person will always find the right solution."
По словам главного раввина России, сегодня многие проблемы в мире связывают с межнациональными и межрелигиозными конфликтами. According to the chief rabbi of Russia, today many problems in the world associated with ethnic and religious conflicts. «Терроризм всегда находит какое-то оправдание в религии. "Terrorism will always find some justification in religion. Мы всегда говорим, что это не религия, это против религии», — подчеркнул Б. Лазар. We always say that it is not a religion, it is against religion ", - said B. Lazar.
Он отметил, что в российском обществе сегодня утверждаются идеи межнационального мира и межрелигиозного согласия. He noted that in Russian society today are approved by the idea of ​​inter-ethnic peace and religious harmony. «Думаю, что это во многом происходит благодаря Вам, и за это мы очень благодарны. "I think that this is due largely to you, and for this we are very grateful. Мы рады, что можем обсуждать с Вами какие-то вопросы и еще больше и теснее сотрудничать с Русской Православной Церковью». We are pleased to be able to discuss with you any questions and even more and more closely with the Russian Orthodox Church. "
«Благодарю Вас за добрые слова. "Thank you for your kind words. Все то, что достигнуто в сфере межконфессиональных отношений, это достигнуто нашими общими трудами, — сказал в ответ Святейший Патриарх Кирилл. All that has been achieved in the field of interfaith relations, this is achieved by our common works, - he said in response to Patriarch Kirill. — Реальная жизнь проходит на уровне обычной человеческой жизни — на улицах, в домах, в трудовых коллективах. - Real life takes place at the level of ordinary human life - on the streets, in homes, in the workforce. И вот там сфера межконфессиональных отношений может работать либо на сплочение людей, либо, наоборот, на разделение. And that's where the scope of interfaith relations can operate either on the consolidation of the people, or, conversely, to split. И тот факт, что сегодня, по милости Божией, межконфессиональные отношения не разделают россиян — это результат нашей совместной работы». And the fact that today, by God's grace, interfaith relations not chop up the Russians - is the result of our work together. "
По словам Его Святейшества, нужно содействовать тому, чтобы люди разных национальностей и религиозных традиций чувствовали себя в России комфортно и могли проявлять свое религиозное чувство в соответствии со своей традицией. According to His Holiness, the need to help ensure that people of different nationalities and religious traditions in Russia feel comfortable and able to exercise their religious feeling, in accordance with their tradition.
В ходе беседы стороны обсудили вопросы, связанные с развитием различных аспектов межрелигиозного сотрудничества в России. During the conversation, the sides discussed issues related to the development of various aspects of inter-religious cooperation in Russia. Речь, в частности, шла о деятельности Межрелигиозного совета России, развитии теологии как научной специальности, защите традиционных нравственных ценностей и других вопросах, представляющих взаимный интерес. This, in particular, was on the activities of the Interreligious Council of Russia, the development of theology as an academic specialty, the protection of traditional moral values ​​and other issues of mutual interest.
Пресс-служба Патриарха Московского и всея Руси The press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Rev. Nicola Svyatosha - the first prince, became a monk Brooklyn Khram

Rev. Prince, you should take care of your health, so you exorbitant labor and abstinence does not weaken our flesh, for if thou be weakened would be grievous yoke to you, that you are Christ's sake wished to take over. Ведь, Бог не ищет поста или подвига выше сил, но только чистого и смиренного сердца. After all, God is not looking for a post or a feat beyond the power, but only the pure and humble heart. Ты работаешь на иноков, как купленный раб; Do you work for the monks, as the bought servant; ведь, к такой нужде ты не привык, да это и недостойно тебя, так как ты князь. in fact, to such a need you are not accustomed to, and it is unworthy of you, because you are the prince. Для твоих благородных братьев Владимира и Изяслава твоя нищета есть скорбь и великое уничижение, так как от столь великой славы и почести ты дошел до таких лишений, что умерщвляешь свое тело и из-за недостаточной пищи впадаешь в недуги. For your precious brothers Vladimir and Izyaslav your poverty have great sorrow and affliction, because of so great glory and honor you reached such hardship that mortifies his body and due to the lack of food falls into illnesses. Ты прежде питался вкусными плодами, а теперь подверг себя тяжким лишениям, вкушая сырую зелень и сухой хлеб. You first ate delicious fruits, but now exposed himself to severe hardship, eating raw greens and dry bread.
Но берегись, как бы тебе совершенно не заболеть, и тогда ты, не имея более сил, лишишься жизни, и я не в состоянии буду помочь тебе; But beware, as if you did not get sick, and then you're not having more forces will lose life, and I will not be able to help you; итак, ты готовишь своим братьям плач неутешный. So, you cook your crying inconsolable brothers. Вот и бояре, некогда служившие тебе и благодаря тебе прежде знатные, — и те, потеряв свои надежды, сожалеют о тебе и пребывают в большом унынии. That and nobles who once served you and thanks to you first of nobles - and those who have lost their hope, regret, and you are in great dejection. Но они устроили себе большие дома и теперь живут в них, а ты не имеешь, где главы преклонить, и сидишь то при мусорных кучах, то в поварне, то при вратах. But they built themselves large homes and are now living in them, and you have no where to lay his head, and sit at the piles of garbage, something in the kitchen, when the gates. Кто из Русских князей поступал так? Who among Russian princes did so? Уже не блаженный ли отец твой Давид, или приснопамятный твой дед Святослав? Even if your father David blessed, blessed memory or your grandfather, Svyatoslav? Да и из бояр никто не пожелал бы такой бесславной жизни, кроме одного Варлаама, бывшего здесь игуменом. And none of the boyars would not wish such a disgraceful life, but one of Barlaam, abbot of the former here. Итак, если ты не послушаешь моего совета, — то преждевременно умрешь. So, if you do not listen to my advice, - the die prematurely.
Подобные слова врач Петр, научаемый братьями святого Николы, часто говорил ему, когда сидел с ним то в поварне, то при воротах. These words of the doctor, Peter, teaches the brothers of St. Nicholas, he often said, as he sat with him in the hut, then at the gate.
Блаженный всегда на это отвечал ему: Blessed is always said to him:
— Брат Петр! - Brother Peter! Часто думая о спасении души своей, я решил, что не должно щадить плоти, дабы она не вступала в борьбу с духом и не возбуждала в душе моей брани. Often thinking about saving his soul, I decided that I should not spare the flesh, so that it does not come to grips with the spirit and excited in my soul battle. Утомляемая же подвигом воздержания, она смиряется, но не изнемогает; Tired of the same conflict of abstinence, she humbled, but not faint; а если бы и изнемогла, то ведь апостол сказал: «сила моя в немощи совершается» (2 Кор.2:5). and if I fainted, then surely the Apostle said, "my strength made perfect in weakness" (2 kor.2: 5). И еще: «нынешние временные страдания ничего не стоят в сравнении с тою славою, которая откроется в нас» (Рим. 8:12). And again: "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 8:12.).
Бог желает смиренного и чистого сердца, но его не может быть без поста и подвига, потому что пост — матерь целомудрия и чистоты. God desires a humble and pure of heart, but it can not be without fasting and exploit, because the post - the mother of chastity and purity. И еще сказано:«Он смирил сердце их работами» (Пс. 106:12). And again he saith: "He humbled their heart with labor" (Ps 106:. 12). Я благодарю Бога за то, что Он освободил меня от мирских забот и соделал меня рабом для Своих рабов, — сих блаженных черноризцев; I thank God for what He has made me free from the cares of the world and made me a slave to his servants - so blessed monk; ведь я, будучи князем, под видом работы для них, работаю для Царя царей. because I, as a prince, under the guise of working for them, working for the King of kings. Братья же мои пусть заботятся о себе самих: «каждый понесет свое бремя» (Гал.6:6). Brethren, let my care of themselves, "every man shall bear his own burden" (Galatians 6: 6).
Довольно с них моего наследия, которое я для того оставил вместе с земным княжением, чтобы получить наследие в царствии небесном: «для Него я от всего отказался, и все почитаю за сор, чтобы приобрести Христа» (Филип.3:8). Enough with them my heritage that I have to leave, along with the earthly reign to receive an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven "for whom I have suffered the loss, and do count them but dung, that I may gain Christ" (Filip.3: 8). К чему же ты угрожаешь мне смертью, укоряешь в моей нищете и в воздержании от излишних яств? Why are you threatening me with death, accused of my poverty and abstinence from unnecessary dishes? Ведь, и ты, когда лечишь телесную болезнь, не повелеваешь ли больному быть воздержным, а некоторых яств и совсем избегать? After all, you are, when you treat a bodily disease, if the patient does not have to command vozderzhnym, and some dishes and absolutely avoid? А мне таким же способом нужно врачевать недуги душевные. And to me the same way you need to heal mental illnesses.
Если я и умру телесно, то ведь мне «смерть» Христа ради «приобретение» (Филип.1:21). If I die physically, then indeed my "death" of Christ for the sake of "acquisition" (Filip.1: 21). Если же я сижу при мусорных кучах, — то почему ты меня считаешь хуже бояр? If I'm sitting at the piles of garbage - why do I think worse of the boyars? ведь, мне надлежит царствовать с Иовом, о котором сказано, что он был знаменитее всех сынов востока (Иов.1:3). after all, I must reign with Job, which said that he was the greatest of all the sons of the east (Iov.1: 3). Prince, you should take care of your health, so you exorbitant labor and abstinence does not weaken our flesh, for if thou be weakened would be grievous yoke to you, that you are Christ's sake wished to take over. Ведь, Бог не ищет поста или подвига выше сил, но только чистого и смиренного сердца. After all, God is not looking for a post or a feat beyond the power, but only the pure and humble heart. Ты работаешь на иноков, как купленный раб; Do you work for the monks, as the bought servant; ведь, к такой нужде ты не привык, да это и недостойно тебя, так как ты князь. in fact, to such a need you are not accustomed to, and it is unworthy of you, because you are the prince. Для твоих благородных братьев Владимира и Изяслава твоя нищета есть скорбь и великое уничижение, так как от столь великой славы и почести ты дошел до таких лишений, что умерщвляешь свое тело и из-за недостаточной пищи впадаешь в недуги. For your precious brothers Vladimir and Izyaslav your poverty have great sorrow and affliction, because of so great glory and honor you reached such hardship that mortifies his body and due to the lack of food falls into illnesses. Ты прежде питался вкусными плодами, а теперь подверг себя тяжким лишениям, вкушая сырую зелень и сухой хлеб. You first ate delicious fruits, but now exposed himself to severe hardship, eating raw greens and dry bread.
Но берегись, как бы тебе совершенно не заболеть, и тогда ты, не имея более сил, лишишься жизни, и я не в состоянии буду помочь тебе; But beware, as if you did not get sick, and then you're not having more forces will lose life, and I will not be able to help you; итак, ты готовишь своим братьям плач неутешный. So, you cook your crying inconsolable brothers. Вот и бояре, некогда служившие тебе и благодаря тебе прежде знатные, — и те, потеряв свои надежды, сожалеют о тебе и пребывают в большом унынии. That and nobles who once served you and thanks to you first of nobles - and those who have lost their hope, regret, and you are in great dejection. Но они устроили себе большие дома и теперь живут в них, а ты не имеешь, где главы преклонить, и сидишь то при мусорных кучах, то в поварне, то при вратах. But they built themselves large homes and are now living in them, and you have no where to lay his head, and sit at the piles of garbage, something in the kitchen, when the gates. Кто из Русских князей поступал так? Who among Russian princes did so? Уже не блаженный ли отец твой Давид, или приснопамятный твой дед Святослав? Even if your father David blessed, blessed memory or your grandfather, Svyatoslav? Да и из бояр никто не пожелал бы такой бесславной жизни, кроме одного Варлаама, бывшего здесь игуменом. And none of the boyars would not wish such a disgraceful life, but one of Barlaam, abbot of the former here. Итак, если ты не послушаешь моего совета, — то преждевременно умрешь. So, if you do not listen to my advice, - the die prematurely.
Подобные слова врач Петр, научаемый братьями святого Николы, часто говорил ему, когда сидел с ним то в поварне, то при воротах. These words of the doctor, Peter, teaches the brothers of St. Nicholas, he often said, as he sat with him in the hut, then at the gate.
Блаженный всегда на это отвечал ему: Blessed is always said to him:
— Брат Петр! - Brother Peter! Часто думая о спасении души своей, я решил, что не должно щадить плоти, дабы она не вступала в борьбу с духом и не возбуждала в душе моей брани. Often thinking about saving his soul, I decided that I should not spare the flesh, so that it does not come to grips with the spirit and excited in my soul battle. Утомляемая же подвигом воздержания, она смиряется, но не изнемогает; Tired of the same conflict of abstinence, she humbled, but not faint; а если бы и изнемогла, то ведь апостол сказал: «сила моя в немощи совершается» (2 Кор.2:5). and if I fainted, then surely the Apostle said, "my strength made perfect in weakness" (2 kor.2: 5). И еще: «нынешние временные страдания ничего не стоят в сравнении с тою славою, которая откроется в нас» (Рим. 8:12). And again: "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 8:12.).
Бог желает смиренного и чистого сердца, но его не может быть без поста и подвига, потому что пост — матерь целомудрия и чистоты. God desires a humble and pure of heart, but it can not be without fasting and exploit, because the post - the mother of chastity and purity. И еще сказано:«Он смирил сердце их работами» (Пс. 106:12). And again he saith: "He humbled their heart with labor" (Ps 106:. 12). Я благодарю Бога за то, что Он освободил меня от мирских забот и соделал меня рабом для Своих рабов, — сих блаженных черноризцев; I thank God for what He has made me free from the cares of the world and made me a slave to his servants - so blessed monk; ведь я, будучи князем, под видом работы для них, работаю для Царя царей. because I, as a prince, under the guise of working for them, working for the King of kings. Братья же мои пусть заботятся о себе самих: «каждый понесет свое бремя» (Гал.6:6). Brethren, let my care of themselves, "every man shall bear his own burden" (Galatians 6: 6).
Довольно с них моего наследия, которое я для того оставил вместе с земным княжением, чтобы получить наследие в царствии небесном: «для Него я от всего отказался, и все почитаю за сор, чтобы приобрести Христа» (Филип.3:8). Enough with them my heritage that I have to leave, along with the earthly reign to receive an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven "for whom I have suffered the loss, and do count them but dung, that I may gain Christ" (Filip.3: 8). К чему же ты угрожаешь мне смертью, укоряешь в моей нищете и в воздержании от излишних яств? Why are you threatening me with death, accused of my poverty and abstinence from unnecessary dishes? Ведь, и ты, когда лечишь телесную болезнь, не повелеваешь ли больному быть воздержным, а некоторых яств и совсем избегать? After all, you are, when you treat a bodily disease, if the patient does not have to command vozderzhnym, and some dishes and absolutely avoid? А мне таким же способом нужно врачевать недуги душевные. And to me the same way you need to heal mental illnesses.
Если я и умру телесно, то ведь мне «смерть» Христа ради «приобретение» (Филип.1:21). If I die physically, then indeed my "death" of Christ for the sake of "acquisition" (Filip.1: 21). Если же я сижу при мусорных кучах, — то почему ты меня считаешь хуже бояр? If I'm sitting at the piles of garbage - why do I think worse of the boyars? ведь, мне надлежит царствовать с Иовом, о котором сказано, что он был знаменитее всех сынов востока (Иов.1:3). after all, I must reign with Job, which said that he was the greatest of all the sons of the east (Iov.1: 3).
If this is not done before me, none of the Russian princes, I by following the King of heaven, laid the foundation; может быть, с сего времени кто-нибудь и станет подражать мне, последуя моему примеру. maybe this time with anyone and will imitate me in following my example. Наконец, вместе с научающими тебя советую заботиться более о себе самом! Finally, along with teaching you to advise more care of himself!
Многократно происходило также и следующее. Repeatedly it is going well and the next. Когда сей блаженный князь, утомившись в подвиге послушания, впадал в болезнь, тогда врач Петр, узнав об этом, немедленно приготовлял ему лекарства, нужные при той или другой болезни. When this blessed prince, tired in the heroism of obedience, fell into a disease, then the doctor Peter heard this, he was preparing the drug immediately, if desired one or another disease. Но князь всегда до прибытия врача с лекарством, Божиею помощью, делался здоровым и никогда не дозволял лечить себя. But the prince always until medical help arrives with the medicine, God's help, to make healthy and never permitted to treat yourself.
Однажды пришлось и самому врачу тому заболеть. Once it was necessary, and to the doctor to get sick. Блаженный послал к нему сказать: Blessed sent to him to say:
— Если ты не станешь пить лекарства, то скоро выздоровеешь, а если меня не послушаешь, то долго будешь страдать. - If you are not going to drink the medicine, it will soon recover, and if I do not listen, you will suffer for a long time.
Но врач не послушался и выпил свое лекарство и, желая излечиться от болезни, едва не лишился жизни, хотя потом и был исцелен по молитве святого. But the doctor did not listen and drank his medicine, and wishing to be cured of the disease, almost lost his life, but then was healed by the prayer of the saint. Когда тот же врач вскоре снова заболел, блаженный велел передать ему то же самое: When the same doctor again soon fell ill, told me to give him a blessed is the same:
— Если не будешь лечиться, — выздоровеешь на третий день. - If you will not be treated, - recover on the third day.
Будучи наказан за первое ослушание, на этот раз врач послушался блаженного и, по слову его, на третий день выздоровел. Being punished for the first disobedience, this time the doctor listened and blessed, according to the word of his, on the third day healed. Блаженный Никола в то же время оканчивал свое послушание монастырского привратника; Blessed Nicolas, at the same time was finishing his obedience monastery gatekeeper; позвав выздоровевшего врача, он сказал ему: having called the recovered physician, he said to him:
— Петр! - Peter! тебе подобает постричься в иноческий образ и, вместо меня, потрудиться в сем монастыре для Господа и Его Пречистой Матери, потому что я по истечении трех месяцев отойду от сего мира. You befits a haircut in the monastic way and, for me, to work in this monastery for the Lord and His Blessed Mother, because I have three months depart from this world.
Врач Петр, услышав сие, пал ему в ноги и возопил, обливаясь слезами: Doctor Peter heard this, he fell at his feet and cried out, with tears:
— Увы мне, господин мой, благодетель мой, драгоценная жизнь моя! - Alas, my lord, my benefactor, my precious life! Кто примет меня, когда я приду сюда? Who will take me when I come here? Кто накормит сирых и убогих, кто заступится за обижаемых, кто окажет милость многим, требующим помощи? Who will feed the orphaned and needy who will intercede for them who will grace many requiring care? Не говорил ли я тебе, князь, что ты скоро доставишь неутешный плач своим братьям? Did not I tell you, Prince, that you will soon deliver inconsolable crying to his brothers? не говорил ли тебе: князь, побереги свою жизнь, ибо ты для многих можешь быть полезен, и в жизни твоей — жизнь многих людей. I do not say to you, Prince, Take care of your life, for you for many can be useful in your life - the lives of many people. Не ты ли меня исцелил силою Божиею и своею молитвою? Have you not made me whole power of God and his prayer? Куда же ты, добрый пастырь, уходишь? Where are you, good shepherd, leaving? Если ты сам, исцелитель мой, захворал, то расскажи мне, твоему рабу, о своей болезни, и если я не вылечу тебя, то пускай за твою жизнь и за твою душу будет моя жизнь и моя душа. If you did, my healer, has fallen ill, then tell me, your servant, of his illness, and if I do not cure you, then let them for your life and your soul will be my life and my soul. Не отходи от меня в молчании, господин мой, но скажи мне, откуда пришла тебе такая весть? Do not leave my side in silence, my lord, but tell me how you came to this news? Если от людей, то я отдам за тебя мою жизнь, а если Господь возвещает тебе сие, то моли Его, чтобы мне умереть вместо тебя. If on the people, then I will give my life for you, and if the Lord proclaims you this, then pray Him to let me die instead of you. Если ты меня оставишь, то где мне сесть и плакать о своей потере, у сей ли мусорной кучи, где ты так часто сиживал, — но и сюда меня не пустят. If you leave me, where I sit and cry about his loss, whether in this garbage heap, where you used to sit so often - but here I will not be allowed. И буду ли я иметь возможность получить что-нибудь в наследство из твоего имения, когда ты сам наг? And I'll be able to get something to inherit from your estate when you yourself naked? Разве вот сии заплатанные рубища, которые на тебе? Is Now these patched rags, which are you? Но и в тех ты, отходя от мира, будешь положен. But even in those you are moving away from the world, will be laid. Даруй, по крайней мере, мне — подобно тому, как древле Илия Елисею милость — твою молитву, дабы мне разделить ею глубину сердечную и воды моей жизни и пройти до места дальнего крова, в дом Божий, куда желаешь ты теперь отойти. Grant, at least to me - just as of old Elijah to Elisha mercy - your prayers, that I may divide its heart and depth of water in my life and go to a place far shelter in the house of God, where are you now wish to withdraw. И зверь, ведь, по заходе солнца понимает, что ему надобно пойти и лечь в свое логовище, но я не знаю, куда пойду по отшествии твоем. And the beast, because at sunset realizes that he ought to go and lie down in his lair, but I do not know where to go on your departure. И птица «И птичка находит себе жилье, и ласточка гнездо себе, где положить птенцов своих» (Пс. 83:4), ты же шесть лет проживаешь в монастыре и не нашел себе места: где же ты меня оставишь? And the bird, "And the bird finds a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young" (Psalm 83: 4.), You're six years old living in a monastery and found a place for himself: where do you leave me? — Подняв плачущего врача, блаженный сказал ему: — Петр! - Picking up a crying doctor, monk told him: - Peter! Не сетуй: «Лучше уповать на Господа, нежели надеяться на князей» (Пс. 117:9). Not setuy: "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes" (Psalm 117: 9.). Господь знает, как сохранить Свою тварь, которую Сам создал. The Lord knows how to save his creation, which was created by himself. Он позаботится накормить алчущих, заступится за бедных и спасет находящихся в напастях, и для тебя будет прибежищем. He will take care to feed the hungry, intercede for the poor and save are in trouble, and will be a haven for you. Братья же мои по плоти пусть не обо мне, но о себе и о своих делах, в плачевной юдоли мира сего, плачут, дабы получить утешение и блаженство в будущем. The brothers are my flesh let's not about me, but about themselves and about their own affairs, in the vale of tears of the world, are crying in order to receive the comfort and bliss in the future. Я не нуждаюсь, ради временной жизни, во врачевании, потому что я уже давно умер для всего временного: «Мертвые не оживут» (Ис. 26:14) (говоря по естеству), как говорит Исаия. I do not need, for the sake of temporal life, in healing, because I have long been dead the entire time: "The dead do not come to life" (. Isa 26:14) (words by nature), says Isaiah. Having said this, the Blessed Nicola Svyatosha together with the doctor went to the cave and made himself a place there for burial. При этом он сказал врачу: However, he told the doctor:
— Кто из нас больше любит сие место? - Which one of us loves this place?
Петр с плачем отвечал: Peter answered, weeping:
— Я знаю, что если ты пожелаешь, то умолишь Господа, чтобы еще пожить тебе, а меня положи здесь. - I know that, if you wish, you will pray the Lord that you still live, and I was put here.
Блаженный сказал ему: Blessed said to him:
— Пусть будет так, как ты желаешь, если так угодно Господу. - Let it be as you wish, if it pleases God. Итак, помолимся Ему оба, но только в иноческом чине. So, let us pray to him both, but only as a monastic. Then, on the advice of the blessed, the doctor was tonsured a monk rank and stayed for three months in prayer, continually, day and night, shedding tears.

Однажды блаженный Никола сказал ему: Once blessed Nicola said to him:
— Брат Петр, желаешь ли, чтобы я взял тебя с собою? - Brother Peter, Do you wish me to take you with me? Он, как и прежде, с плачем на это ответил ему: He is, as before, with weeping for it told him:
— Я желаю, чтобы ты позволил мне умереть за тебя, а ты оставайся здесь и молись за меня. - I want you to let me die for you, and you stay here and pray for me.
Блаженный сказал ему: Blessed said to him:
— Брат, дерзай и будь готов, потому что, по желанию твоему, в третий день отойдешь из сей жизни. - Brother, go ahead and be prepared, because, as thou wilt, on the third day depart from this life.
Когда наступило предуказанное время, Петр, причастившись святых и животворящих Христовых Таин, возлег на одр и предал дух свой в руце Господу. When it was predestined time, Peter, the holy communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, sat down on the bed, and gave up his spirit in the hands of the Lord. По смерти врача, блаженный князь Никола Святоша подвизался еще тридцать лет, не выходя из монастыря и, достигнув, согласно прозвищу, совершенства в святой жизни, преставился в вечную жизнь к Святейшему всех святых Царю смирения — Иисусу. According to the doctor's death, the blessed Prince Nikola Svyatosha labored thirty years without leaving the monastery, and reached, according to the nickname, perfection in the holy life, passed away in the eternal life to the saints of all the holy King of humility - Jesus. В день кончины сего святого князя едва ли не весь город Киев собрался, воздавая ему последнее целование и испрашивая с обильными слезами молитв его. On the day of the death of this holy prince almost the whole city was going to Kiev, giving him a last kiss and asking with abundant tears of his prayers.
Особенно плакали братья блаженного, Изяслав и Владимир. Especially crying blessed brothers, Izyaslav Vladimir. Изяслав обратился к игумену монастыря с просьбою, чтобы он отдал ему на благословение и утешение крест умершего, подушку и скамью, на которой он совершал коленопреклонение. Izyaslav turned to the abbot of the monastery with the request that he gave his blessing and comfort to cross the deceased, a pillow and a bench on which he performed kneeling. Игумен, отдавая их ему, сказал: Abbot, giving them to him, said:
— По вере твоей, да получишь от сих вещей помощь в том, чего ты желаешь. - According to your faith, so get from these things help with what you wish.
Изяслав, приняв сии предметы с великим благоговением прислал в монастырь много золота, чтобы недаром получить эти вещи брата. Izyaslav, taking these items with great reverence sent to the monastery a lot of gold to get these things without reason his brother.
Сей самый Изяслав однажды жестоко расхворался и даже не надеялся встать с одра. Selfsame Izjaslav once cruelly fell ill and did not hope to stand up to the bedside. В это время при нем находились жена, дети и все бояре. At this time, when there were the wife, children and all the boyars. Так прошло некоторое время; So it took some time; потом больной, несколько оправившись, поднялся и попросил выпить воды из Печерского колодца. then the patient recovered somewhat, stood up and asked for a drink of water from the well of Pechersk. Но скоро он опять лишился языка и после сего не мог уже ничего проговорить. But soon he again lost his language and after this he could not say nothing. Послали в Печерский монастырь и взяли там в сосуде воды, которою пред тем обмыли гроб преподобного Феодосия. We sent to the Pechersk monastery and took it in the water vessel that washed before the tomb of St. Theodosius. Игумен передал и власяницу преподобного Николы Святоши, чтобы в нее одели тело его. The abbot gave a hair shirt and the Rev. Nikola hypocrites, to put it in his body. И еще не вернулся посланный с водой и власяницей, как князь Изяслав проговорил: And still not sent back to the water and sackcloth as Izyaslav said:
— Скорее идите на встречу преподобным отцам Феодосию и Николе за город. - Rather go to meet the Reverend Fathers Theodosius and Nicolet for the city.
Когда с власяницею и водою вошел посланный, князь снова воскликнул: As with sackcloth and entered the water sent by the prince said again:
— Никола, Никола Святоша! - Nicola, Nicola Svyatosha!
Ему дали выпить той воды, одели во власяницу и он скоро стал здоров, и все прославляли Бога и Его угодников. He was given a drink of that water, dressed in sackcloth, and he soon became well, and all the glory to God and His saints.
The relics of St. Nicholas hypocrites, Prince of Chernigov in the Near Caves of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
Мощи Николы Святоши, князя Черниговского в Ближних пещерах Киево-Печерской Лавры The relics of St. Nicholas hypocrites, Prince of Chernigov in the Near Caves of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
С тех пор Изяслав всегда надевал на себя сию власяницу, когда заболевал, и немедленно становился здоровым. Since Izjaslav always wear a hair shirt UIS, when ill, and became healthier immediately. Кроме того, он всегда имел на себе эту власяницу, когда шел на войну, и таким образом оставался невредимым. In addition, he always had to imagine this hair shirt when he went to war, and thus remained intact.
Один раз согрешив, он не решился надеть её на себя и в тот раз был убит на войне; Once sinned, he decided not to put it on myself and at that time, was killed in the war; однако он ещё заранее приказал похоронить себя в ней. but it is still pre-ordered to bury himself in it.
Так и мы, надеясь на молитвы сего преподобного князя, о спасении которого мы имеем очевидное известие, да сподобимся силою его молитв получить исцеление от всяких болезней и язв, как временных, так и вечных, — по благодати Царя смирения, а вместе и Царя славы Господа Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа, Емуже слава с Богом Отцом и святым Духом, ныне и присно, и во веки веков. So we are hoping for the prayers of this Reverend Prince, the salvation that we have the obvious news vouchsafe the power of his prayers for healing from all diseases and ulcers, both temporal and eternal - by the grace of the King of humility, and together, and the King of glory Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Emuzhe glory of God the Father and the holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Аминь. Amen.
День памяти: 27 октября . Memorial Day: 27 October. А также: And:
  • 27 марта (переходящая) – Собор всех Киево-Печерских преподобных отцов March 27 (turning) - Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk reverend fathers
  • 3 октября – Собор Брянских святых October 3 - The Cathedral of Saints Bryansk
  • 5 октября – Собор Тульских святых 5 October - Saints Cathedral of Tula
  • 11 октября – Собор Киево-Печерских преподобных, в Ближних пещерах October 11 - The Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk reverend Caves
  • 23 октября – Собор Волынских святых October 23 - Volyn Saints Cathedral

Тропарь преподобного Николы Святоши, князя Черниговского, Troparion Reverend Nicholas hypocrites, Prince of Chernigov,
Печерского чудотворца, в Ближних пещерах, глас 2 Wonderworker of the Pechersk Caves, Tone 2

Отечество и славу княжения твоего оставил,/ Князю смирения, Христови, усердно последовал еси,/ преподобне отче наш Николо;/ тем приял еси от Него вечное царство и славу на Небеси,/ идеже ликуя, поминай нас чтущих память твою верно. Homeland and the glory of your reign left, / Prince of humility, Christ, zealously followed Thou, / our Reverend Father Nicolo; / Thou hast taken the from Him eternal kingdom and glory in heaven, / idezhe rejoicing, those that remember us who honor the memory of your right.

Кондак преподобного Николы Святоши, князя Черниговского, Kontakion Reverend Nicholas hypocrites, Prince of Chernigov,
Печерского чудотворца, в Ближних пещерах, глас 8 Wonderworker of the Pechersk Caves, Tone 8

Вся красная мира сего/ и тленное богатство нивочтоже вменив,/ обогатился еси многими чудесы и знамении от Христа Бога,/ Емуже в веселии предстоя,/ поминай нас, чтущих любовию память твою, да зовем ти:/ радуйся, Николо пречудне. All red this world / and perishable wealth nivochtozhe entrusting, / Thou enriched many wonders and signs of the Christ of God, / Emuzhe be gladness, / vanish into us who honor the memory of your love, so call to thee: / Rejoice, Nicolo prechudne.

Svyaschennoispovednik Bishop Athanasius Sakharov Kovrovsky Brooklyn Xram

"June 27, 1954 33 years a bishop. За это время: на епархиальном служении 33 месяца. During this time: at the diocesan service of 33 months. На свободе не у дела 32 месяца. On freedom is not the case in 32 months. В изгнании 76 месяцев. In exile 76 months. В узах и горьких работах 254 месяца.” The bonds and bitter work 254 a month. "
( Афанасий Сахаров. Из воспоминаний об основных этапах своей жизни ). (Athanasius Sakharov. From the memoirs of the main stages of his life).
Священноисповедник Афанасий (Сахаров Сергей Григорьевич), епископ Ковровский родился 2 июля 1887 года в с. Svyaschennoispovednik Athanasius (Sakharov Sergey G.), Bishop of Kovrov born July 2, 1887 in with. Царевка Кирсановского уезда Тамбовской губернии. Tsarevka Kirsanov district of Tambov province.
Родился будущий епископ Афанасий (Сергей Григорьевич Сахаров) 2 июля (ст. ст.) 1887 года, в праздник Положения честной ризы Пресвятой Богородицы во Влахерне. Birthplace of Bishop Athanasius (Sergey G. Sakharov) July 2 (art. Art.), 1887, the feast of the provisions of fair robe of the Theotokos in Blachernae. Родители Сергия, Григорий и Матрона, жили во Владимире. The parents of St. Sergius, Gregory and Matron, lived in Vladimir. Отец, уроженец Суздаля, был надворным советником, мать происходила из крестьян. His father, a native of Suzdal was the court counselor, mother came from a peasant. Их доброта и благочестие стали благодатной почвой, на которой взрастали духовные дарования их единственного сына. Their kindness and piety have become the fertile soil in which grows up spiritual gifts of their only son. Нареченный в честь печальника земли Русской Преподобного Сергия Радонежского, будущий владыка глубоко воспринял беззаветную любовь к Церкви и Отечеству, которая так отличала Преподобного. Naming in honor of the Russian land sympathizer of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the future ruler took a deep unconditional love for the Church and homeland, which is so distinguished Reverend.
Детские и юношеские годы Сергия Сахарова прошли в древнем и святом граде Владимире-на-Клязьме. Children and youth Sakharov Sergiy held in the ancient and holy city of Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Трудности и испытания в жизни Сергия начались с малолетства, став той жизненной средой, в которой он духовно мужал. The difficulties and trials in the life of Sergius began from an early age, becoming that vital environment in which he matured spiritually. Отца мальчик лишился в раннем возрасте, но в матери своей нашел все, что нужно было для достойного вхождения в жизнь. Father boy lost at an early age, but his mother found all that was necessary for a decent entry into life. Она желала видеть его в монашеском, чине, и за это Сергий был признателен ей всю жизнь. She wanted to see him in a monk, rank, and for that Sergius was grateful to her for life. Сергий охотно ходил в приходскую церковь, никогда не тяготился продолжительностью церковных служб. Sergius willingly went to the parish church, never burdened by the duration of the church services. Богослужение как высшая степень молитвы было главной любовью будущего владыки. The service as the highest degree of prayers was the main love the lord of the future. Он с детства предощущал себя служителем Церкви и даже сверстникам своим дерзновенно говорил, что будет архиереем. From childhood he was a minister of the Church itself premonitions and even their peers boldly said it would be a bishop.
Благочестивый отрок легко выучился рукоделию, мог шить и вышивать даже церковные облачения. The pious young man easily learned needlework, could sew and embroider, even vestments. Это очень пригодилось ему в дальнейшем, во время ссылок и лагерей, когда он шил облачения и ризы для икон. It is very useful to him in the future, while links and camps, when he sewed vestments and garments for icons. Однажды владыка изготовил даже специальный походный антиминс, на котором литургисал для заключенных. One day the lord has made even a special camp corporal on which liturgisal prisoners.
Начальное учение давалось отроку Сергию нелегко, но он не ослабевал в прилежании, и Господь щедро благословил Своего будущего служителя и исповедника. Initial researchers gave the lad Sergius is not easy, but he did not let up in the diligence, and the Lord has richly blessed his future minister and confessor.
В 1896 году поступил в Шуйское духовное училище, в 1902 – во Владимирскую духовную семинарию. In 1896 he entered the Shuyskoe religious school, in 1902 - in Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Окончил в 1908 году. He graduated in 1908. Владимирскую духовную семинарию, а затем и Московскую духовную академию он, неожиданно для всех, окончил весьма успешно. Vladimir's Seminary and later the Moscow Theological Academy, he, all of a sudden, he graduated very successfully. Впрочем, это не изменило его скромного и смиренного отношения к людям. However, this did not change his modest and humble attitude towards people. В Московскую духовную академию он поступил в 1908 году (окончил в 1912 г. со степенью кандидата богословия). In the Moscow Theological Academy, he enrolled in 1908 (he graduated in 1912 with a degree in Theology). Кандидатское сочинение “Настроение верующей души по Триоди Постной” писал под руководством ректора академии преосвященного епископа Феодора (Поздеевского). Candidate's essay "The mood of the believing soul for the Lenten Triodion" written under the supervision of the rector of Academy of Bishop Theodore (Pozdeevsky).
Особенно серьезно будущий владыка углубился в вопросы литургики и агиологии. Especially seriously deepened in the future lord and liturgical questions hagiology. В богослужении находил он для себя особое богословие, будучи очень внимательным к тексту богослужебных книг. The worship he found for himself a special theology, being very attentive to the text of the liturgical books. На полях личных богослужебных книг владыки можно найти множество примечаний, уточнений, разъяснений особо трудных слов. In the fields of personal lord liturgical books can find a lot of notes, updates, clarifications particularly difficult words.
Еще в Шуйском духовном училище Сергий Сахаров пишет свой первый литургический гимн – тропарь чтимой Шуйско-Смоленской иконе Божией Матери. Even in the religious school Shuya Sergei Sakharov wrote his first liturgical hymn - tropar revered Shuya-Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. Академическое его сочинение «Настроение верующей души по Триоди постной» уже свидетельствует о большой осведомленности автора в вопросах церковной гимнологии, которая осталась для него одним из главных увлечений на всю жизнь. Academic his essay "The mood of the believing soul for the Lenten Triodion" already shows great awareness of the author in matters of church Hymnology that remained for him one of the main interests of a lifetime.
Первым учителем и духовным наставником Сергия был архиепископ Владимирский Николай (Налимов), оставивший по себе благоговейную память. The first teacher and spiritual guide, Archbishop Sergius was Vladimir Nikolai (Nalimov), leaving a reverent memory. Следующим педагогом стал известный богослов и строгий аскет, ректор Московской духовной академии епископ Феодор (Поздеевский), который и постриг его в храме Покрова Божией Матери с именем Афанасий, в честь Патриарха Цареградского. Another teacher was the famous theologian and a strict ascetic, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, Bishop Theodore (Pozdeevsky), who tonsured him into the temple of the Protection of the Mother of God with the name of Athanasius, in honor of the Patriarch of Constantinople. От руки владыки Феодора монах Афанасий получает посвящение сначала во иеродиакона, а потом и в иеромонаха. From the hands of Bishop Theodore monk Athanasius is initiated first to the diaconate, and later in the priesthood. Но именно монашеский постриг владыка Афанасий ценил каким-то особым образом… But it was tonsured Bishop Athanasius appreciated in any special way ...
Церковные послушания владыки Афанасия начались с Полтавской духовной семинарии, где его сразу заметили как талантливого преподавателя. Religious obedience to Bishop Athanasius began with the Poltava Theological Seminary, where he was immediately noticed as a talented teacher. Но в полную силу ученого-богослова владыка вошел в родной Владимирской семинарии, проявив себя убежденным и вдохновенным благовестником слова Божия. But the full force of the scientist-theologian, Bishop entered the home Vladimir's Seminary, showing himself convinced and inspired word of God evangelist. Его вводят в Епархиальный совет, возлагают ответственность за состояние проповеди на приходах епархии. It is administered to the Diocesan Council, blamed for the state of the sermon in the parishes of the diocese. Он же заведует беседами и чтениями при Успенском кафедральном соборе, освещая многие злободневные вопросы тогдашнего времени. He is in charge of talking and reading at the Assumption Cathedral, covering many topical issues of that time.
Иеромонаху Афанасию было тридцать лет, когда в России произошла революция. Hieromonk Athanasius was thirty years old when the revolution took place in Russia. В это время начали часто собираться так называемые «епархиальные съезды», на которых поднимали голову люди, враждебные вековым православным устоям русской жизни. At this time began to meet together often to so-called "diocesan congresses", which raised the head people hostile to the age-old foundations of the Russian Orthodox life. Все это требовало строгой церковной оценки и должного отпора. All this required a rigorous assessment of the church and a proper rebuff. The Monastery of St. Sergius was attended by representatives of all Russian monasteries in 1917.
На этом съезде иеромонах Афанасий (Сахаров) избирается членом исторического Поместного Собора Русской Церкви 1917–18 годов, где работает в отделе по богослужебным вопросам. At this congress monk Athanasius (Sakharov) was elected a member of the Local Council of the historical Russian Church 1917-18, where he worked in the department for liturgical issues.
В это же время он начинает работу над знаменитой службой Всем святым, в земле Российской просиявшим, ставшей замечательным литургическим памятником его любви к нашей Святой Церкви. At the same time, he begins to work on the famous service of all the saints in the Russian Land beaming, became remarkable liturgical memorial of his love for our Holy Church. Иеромонаху Афанасию принадлежала мысль избрать для стихир на «Господи, воззвах» по одной стихире из Общей Минеи каждому лику святых, а в каноне расположить святых по областям. Hieromonk Athanasius belonged to the idea to elect stichera on "Lord, I have cried," one of the verses of the General Menaion each saint, and in the canon of saints positioned on areas. Каждая песнь канона завершалась, также по его идее, тропарем иконе Божией Матери, наиболее чтимой в этой области. Each song was completed canon, and on his idea, troparion icon of the Mother of God, the most revered in the area. Рассматривавший новую службу член Синода митрополит Сергий (Страгородский) внес в нее составленный им самим тропарь «Яко же плод красный…». Considers the new service a member of the Synod of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) introduced into it by himself composed troparion "Yako same red fruit ...". Подготовленный первый вариант службы рассматривал затем и Святейший Патриарх Тихон. Prepared the first version of the service, and then saw His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon.
Революция пронеслась по России, как смерч, пролила море христианской крови. The revolution swept across Russia, like a tornado, spilled a sea of ​​Christian blood. Новая власть начала грубое глумление над мощами святых угодников Божиих, истребление духовенства и разорение православных храмов. The new authorities began a gross mockery of the relics of the saints, the extermination of the clergy and the destruction of Orthodox churches. Верующий народ видел в непрекращающихся бедствиях в нашем Отечестве, гонениях на Церковь Христову исполнение грозных пророчеств о гибели Русского Царства, превращение его «в сброд иноверцев, стремящихся истребить друг друга» (святой праведный Иоанн Кронштадтский, слово 14 мая 1907 года). The faithful have seen in the ongoing disaster in our country, the persecution of the Church of Christ execution menacing prophecies about the Russian kingdom of death, turning it "into the rabble of the Gentiles, seeking to destroy each other" (St. John of Kronstadt, the word May 14, 1907).
В 1919 году в ходе антирелигиозной кампании началось глумление над тем, что особенно дорого Православию, – нетленными останками святых угодников. In 1919, during the anti-religious campaign it began mockery that is especially dear to Orthodoxy - incorrupt remains of saints. Во Владимире, как и в других русских городах, в агитационных целях прошла так называемая демонстрация вскрытых мощей народу: их выставляли на всеобщее обозрение в обнаженном виде. In Vladimir, as well as in other Russian cities, for propaganda purposes has passed the so-called demonstration uncovered relics of the people, they paraded in the nude. Чтобы пресечь надругательство, владимирское духовенство под руководством иеромонаха Афанасия, члена епархиального совета, установило в Успенском соборе дежурство. To prevent abuse, the clergy under the leadership of Vladimir Hieromonk Athanasius, a member of the Diocesan Council, established at the Assumption Cathedral of duty. В храме стояли столы, на которых лежали святые мощи. In the temple, there was a table on which lay the holy relics. Первые дежурные – иеромонах Афанасий и псаломщик Александр Потапов – ожидали народ, толпившийся у дверей храма. The first duty - monk Athanasius and acolyte Alexander Potapov - expect the people, the crowd at the door of the temple. Когда открылись двери, иеромонах Афанасий провозгласил: «Благословен Бог наш…», в ответ ему раздалось: «Аминь» – и начался молебен Владимирским угодникам. When the doors opened, monk Athanasius proclaimed: "Blessed is our God ..." he was heard to reply: "Amen" - and began a prayer of Vladimir saints. Входящие люди благоговейно крестились, клали поклоны и ставили у мощей свечи. Incoming people were baptized reverently, they put bows and put the relics of the candles. Так предполагаемое поругание святынь превратилось в торжественное прославление. Since the alleged desecration of holy places has become a solemn glorification.
Вскоре Священноначалие ставит ревностного пастыря на ответственное место: его (уже в сане архимандрита) назначают наместником двух древних монастырей епархии – Боголюбского и владимирского Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы. Soon The hierarchy sets zealous pastor in the responsible position: it (already in the rank of Archimandrite) appointed vicar of the Diocese of two ancient monasteries - Bogolyubsky and Vladimir Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Важнейшим и переломным событием в жизни владыки Афанасия стало поставление его из архимандритов во епископа Ковровского , викария Владимирской епархии. The most important and crucial event in the life of Bishop Athanasius was put to him by the bishop of archimandrites in Kovrov, Vicar of the Diocese of Vladimir. Произошло это в Нижнем Новгороде в день памяти преподобного Сампсона Странноприимца, 10 июля 1921 года. It happened in Nizhny Novgorod in the feast day of St Sampson the Hospitable, July 10, 1921. Возглавил хиротонию митрополит Владимирский Сергий (Страгородский), будущий Патриарх Московский и всея Руси. Headed by Metropolitan Vladimir consecrated Sergius (Stragorodsky), the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
Перед хиротонией будущего архипастыря вызывали в ГПУ и угрожали репрессиями в случае, если он согласится стать архиереем. Before the ordination of the future Archbishop summoned to the GPU and threatened with reprisals if he agrees to become a bishop. Если до революции архиерейский жезл давал значительные социальные преимущества, то в 1920-е годы архиерейство не обещало ничего, кроме преследований и лишений. If before the revolution bishop's wand gave a significant social benefits in the 1920s, a bishop did not promise nothing but persecution and deprivation. Первый раз святителя Афанасия арестовали всего через семь месяцев после хиротонии. The first time St. Athanasius was arrested just seven months after the consecration. По его собственным подсчетам, за годы архиерейства на кафедре он провел лишь 2 года, 9 месяцев и 2 дня, а «в узах и горьких работах» (т. е. в тюрьмах и ссылках) — 21 год, 11 месяцев и 12 дней… By its own estimates, over the years a bishop in the department, he spent only 2 years, 9 months and 2 days, and "in bonds and bitter work" (TE in prison and exile) - 21 years, 11 months and 12 days ...
Главной заботой и болью святительского подвига владыки Афанасия было не противодействие властей, не разруха и даже не закрытие храмов и монастырей, а появление внутри Церкви нового раскола , известного под именем «обновленчества». The main concern and pain the saint feat Bishop Athanasius was no opposition to the authorities, not devastation, and not even the closing of churches and monasteries, and the emergence of a new division within the church, known as "Renovationism". Семена обновленчества как раскольнического течения, призванного реформировать Российскую Православную Церковь, были посеяны задолго до октябрьского переворота. Seeds Renovationism a schismatic course, designed to reform the Russian Orthodox Church were sown long before the October Revolution.
До революции псевдоправославные новации проникли в стены духовных школ, религиозно-философских обществ и были уделом некоторой части интеллигентствующего духовенства . Before the revolution psevdopravoslavnye innovations penetrated into the walls of religious schools, religious and philosophical societies were given to some of the intelligentstvuyuschego clergy. Революционные власти использовали реформаторские идеи для раскола Церкви, но опирались они не на интеллигентствующее меньшинство, а на огромную массу конформистов и маловеров внутри церковной ограды, усвоивших в прежние времена почитание всякой власти кесаря – и самодержавной, и большевистской. The revolutionary government used to split the reformist ideas of the Church, but they do not rely on intelligentstvuyuschee minority and a huge mass of conformists and skeptics within the church fence, mastered in earlier times the worship of any power of Caesar - and autocratic, and the Bolshevik. Противостояние святителя Афанасия обновленческому расколу – это не столько борьба с еретическими убеждениями, сколько обличение иудина греха – отступничества от Церкви Христовой , предательства ее святителей, пастырей и мирян в руки палачей. Confrontation St. Athanasius Renovationist split - it is not so much a struggle against heretical beliefs as Judas conviction of sin - of apostasy from the Church of Christ, the betrayal of her hierarchs, pastors and lay people in the hands of the executioners.
Святитель Афанасий объяснял своей, пастве, что раскольники, восставшие против канонического епископата, возглавляемого Патриархом Тихоном, не имеют права совершать Таинства, а потому храмы, в которых они совершают богослужения, безблагодатны. Saint Athanasius explained her, the flock that dissenters, rebels against the canonical episcopate, headed by Patriarch Tikhon, are not eligible to perform the Sacraments, but because the temples in which they perform services, without grace. Он заново освящал оскверненные раскольниками церкви, увещевал отступников приносить покаяние вместе с приходом, обличая тех, кто не раскаялся. He was re-consecrated church desecrated schismatics, apostates exhorted to repent, together with the arrival of denouncing those who have not repented. Запрещая общаться с обновленцами, чтобы усрамить их, он при этом просил не питать к ним злобы за захват ими православных святынь, так как святые, как говорил Преосвященный, всегда бывают духом только с православными. Forbidden to communicate with the Renovators to usramit them in doing so he asked me not to feed them malice for the seizure of Orthodox shrines, as sacred, as the Reverend, are always in spirit only with the Orthodox.
The first arrest occurred St. March 30, 1922. Он положил начало многолетним тюремным мытарствам владыки Афанасия. He laid the foundation for long-term prison ordeals Bishop Athanasius. Но, как это ни покажется странным, положение заключенного владыка считал более легким, чем положение тех, кто, оставаясь на воле, терпел бесчисленные притеснения от обновленцев. But, as it may seem strange, the situation concluded Bishop considered easier than the situation of those who, while remaining in the wild, endured countless oppressions of renovators. Он даже называл тюрьму «изолятором от обновленческой эпидемии». He even called the prison "from the insulator Renovationist epidemic."
Путь владыки по тюрьмам и ссылкам был нескончаемым и изнурительным: тюрьмы: владимирская, Таганская в Москве, Зырянская, туруханская, лагеря: Соловецкий, Беломоро-Балтийский, Онежский, Мариинские в Кемеровской области, Темниковские в Мордовии… Way Bishop in prisons and links was endless and exhausting: Prison: Vladimir, Taganskaya in Moscow Zyryanskaya, Turukhansk camps: Solovki, White Sea-Baltic, Onega, Marianske in the Kemerovo region in Mordovia Temnikov ... To learn how to live prisoners, we know quite a lot.
Читая письма святителя Афанасия из лагерей и воспоминания людей, видевших его там, поражаешься какому-то органическому умению не замечать нечеловеческих бытовых условий, умению оставаться монахом, несмотря ни на что. Reading the letters of Saint Athanasius of the camps and the memories of people who saw him there, one is struck by some organic ability to ignore the inhumane living conditions, and the ability to be a monk, no matter what. Вот фрагмент из его письма, написанного в Таганской тюрьме, где он ожидал отправления в ссылку. Here is an extract from a letter written in the Taganka prison, where he expected the departure into exile. «А вот я смотрю сейчас на заключенных за дело Христово епископов и пресвитеров, — писал он матери, — слышу о православных пастырях, в других тюрьмах находящихся, какое спокойствие и благодушие у всех. "But I see now concluded for the cause of Christ, bishops and presbyters, - he wrote to his mother, - I heard of the Orthodox pastors, other prisons are, how calm and complacency at all. <…> <...>
А тюрьмы нам нечего бояться . A prison we have nothing to fear. Здесь лучше, чем на свободе, это я не преувеличивая говорю. It is better than free, I'm not exaggerating saying. Здесь истинная Православная Церковь. Here, the true Orthodox Church. Мы здесь как бы взяты в изолятор во время эпидемии. We are, as it were taken to the detention center at the time of the epidemic. Правда, некоторые стеснения испытываем. However, some feel tightness. Но — а сколько у Вас скорбей. But - and how much you have sorrows. <…> Постоянное ожидание приглашения в гости, куда не хочется. <...> The constant expectation of an invitation to visit, where you do not want to. <…> Попробуй тут устоять. <...> Try to resist here. А мы от всего этого почти гарантированы. And we are of all this is almost guaranteed. И поэтому, когда я получаю соболезнования моему теперешнему положению, я очень смущаюсь. And so, when I get my condolences to the present situation, I am very embarrassed. Тяжело положение тех православных, которые сейчас, оставаясь на свободе, несут знамя Православия. The plight of those Orthodox who are now staying at large, bear the banner of orthodoxy. Помоги им, Господи». Help them, O Lord. "
Его лагерные письма больше напоминают письма человека, отправившегося с паломническими целями в отдаленный монастырь. His camp letters more closely resemble human email, send a pilgrimage goals in a distant monastery. Вот как он описывает совершаемое на нарах Белбалтлага (1940) рождественское богослужение и мысленное посещение могил близких людей: Here is how he describes perpetrated on the bunk Belbaltlag (1940) Christmas service and mental visiting the graves of loved ones:
«Ночью с некоторыми перерывами (засыпал… о горе мне ленивому…) совершил праздничное бдение. "At night, with some interruptions (sleep ... oh, woe is me lazy ...) makes a festive vigil. После него пошел славить Христа рождшагося и по родным могилкам, и по келиям здравствующих. After he went to glorify Christ rozhdshagosya and family graves, and keliyam alive. И там и тут одно и то же пел: тропарь и кондак праздника, потом ектенью сугубую, изменяя только одно прошение, — и отпуст праздничный, после которого поздравлял и живых и усопших, «вси бо Тому живы суть». And here and there the same sang: Troparion and Kontakion of the holiday, then the litany Augmented by changing only one request - and the dismissal festive, after which congratulated and the living and the dead, "all ye bo Tom are alive." Как будто повидался со всеми и утешился молитвенным общением. As if to see with all and comforted prayerful communion. И где только я не был… Начал, конечно, с могилки милой моей мамы, потом и у папы был, и у крестной, а затем пошел путешествовать по святой Руси, и первым делом в Петушки, потом Владимир, Москва, Ковров, Боголюбово, Собинка, Орехово, Сергиев, Романов-Борисоглебск, Ярославль, Рыбинск, Питер, потом по местам ссылки — Кемь, Усть-Сысольск, Туруханск, Енисейск, Красноярск…» And wherever I was not ... I started of course with grave sweet my mother, then my dad was, and the cross, and then went to travel the Holy Russia, and first of all in Petushki, then Vladimir, Moscow, carpets, Bogolyubovo, Sobinka, Nut, Sergey Romanov-Borisoglebsk, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Peter, then to places links - Kem, Ust-Sysolsk, Turukhansk, Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk ... "
И в качестве комментария к этой «рождественской картинке» можно добавить, что это письмо написано 51-летним человеком с больным сердцем, задыхающимся при ходьбе, которому ежедневно приходилось совершать пятикилометровый путь до рабочего места, а сама работа заключалась в разгрузке дров, переносе только что сваленных деревьев, уборке снега и т. д. Никакие предметы, имеющие отношение к церковной жизни, в этом лагере не допускались. And as a comment to the "Christmas picture" you can add that this letter was written by 51-year-old man with heart, breathless when walking, who had every day to make five-kilometer route to the workplace, and the work itself was unloading wood, transferring just felled trees, snow removal and so on. d. no items related to the church life in the camp is not allowed. Отбирались не только книги, но и, например, полученное в посылке крашеное пасхальное яичко. They were selected not only books, but also, for example, received in a parcel painted Easter egg. Несмотря на официальное разрешение находящимся в заключении священнослужителям сохранять длинные волосы, владыка подвергался насильственной стрижке. Despite official approval imprisoned priests to keep long hair, Bishop suffered a violent shearing.
В некоторых лагерях разрешалось иметь книги. In some camps were allowed to have books. Сохранился рассказ Е. В. Апушкиной о приезде иеромонаха Иеракса (Бочарова) в Мариинские лагеря (1944): «Дверь открылась. The story EV Apushkin the arrival priesthood Ieraksa (Bocharov) in Marianske camp (1944): "The door opened. Послышался стук костяшек «козла», мат и блатной жаргон. There was a knock knuckles "goat", mat and thieves jargon. В воздухе стоял сплошной синий табачный дым. The air was solid blue smoke. Стрелок подтолкнул о. Archer pushed on. Иеракса и указал ему на какое-то место на нарах. Ieraksa and pointed to a place on the bunk. Дверь захлопнулась. The door slammed shut. Оглушенный, отец Иеракс стоял у порога. Stunned, Ieraks father standing in the doorway. Кто-то сказал ему: «Вон туда проходи!» Пойдя по указанному направлению, он остановился при неожиданном зрелище. Someone said to him: "Come on Over there!" Going in the direction indicated, he stopped at the unexpected sight. На нижних нарах, подвернув ноги калачиком, кругом обложенный книгами, сидел владыка Афанасий. On the lower bunk, legs tucked up, topped with a circle of books, sat Bishop Athanasius. Подняв глаза и увидев отца Иеракса, которого давно знал, владыка нисколько не удивился, не поздоровался, а просто сказал: «Читай! Looking up and seeing Ieraksa father, whom he knew for a long time, the lord was not surprised, did not say hello and just said: "Read! Глас такой-то, тропарь такой-то!» — «Да разве здесь можно?» — «Можно, можно! The voice of such and such, such and such a troparion! "-" Do you think you can? "-" You can, you can! Читай!» И отец Иеракс стал помогать владыке продолжать начатую службу, и вместе с тем с него соскочила вся тревога, все тяжелое, что только что давило душу». Read! "And Ieraks father became lord help continue this service, and at the same time jumped all the trouble with him, all the heavy, had just weighed the soul."
9 ноября 1951 года окончился последний срок лагерных мытарств шестидесятичетырехлетнего святителя. November 9, 1951 ended the deadline for camp ordeal shestidesyatichetyrehletnego saint. Но и после этого его держали в полной неизвестности о дальнейшей судьбе, а затем в принудительном порядке поместили в дом инвалидов на станции Потьма (в Мордовии), где режим почти не отличался от лагерного. But after that he was kept in complete uncertainty about the future, and then forcibly placed in Potma (Mordovia) nursing home at the station, where the mode is almost indistinguishable from the camp.
Архипастыря могли арестовать прямо в дороге, как случилось однажды при объезде им Юрьев-Польского уезда. Archpastor could be arrested right on the road as happened once when passing them Yuriev-Polsky district. В 1937–38 годах его неоднократно, арестовав, готовили к немедленному расстрелу. In 1937-38 he was repeatedly arresting, ready for immediate execution.
В начале Великой Отечественной войны владыку отправили в Онежские лагеря Архангельской области пешим этапом, причем свои вещи заключенные несли на себе. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he was sent to the Arkhangelsk region on foot stage Onega camp, with his things prisoners bore the brunt. В результате тяжелой дороги и голода владыка так ослабел, что всерьез готовился к смерти… Онежские лагеря сменились бессрочной ссылкой в Омской области. As a result of heavy road and hunger lord so weak that seriously preparing to die ... Onega camp changed indefinite reference in the Omsk region. В одном из совхозов возле городка Голышманово владыка работал ночным сторожем на огородах. In one of the farms near the town Golyshmanovo Bishop worked as a night watchman in the gardens. Затем был переселен в город Ишим, где жил на средства, присылаемые друзьями и духовными чадами. Then he was moved to the town of Ishim, where he lived on the money sent by friends and spiritual children.
Winter of 1942, Bishop Athanasius unexpectedly transferred to Moscow. Следствие длилось полгода. The investigation lasted six months. Допрашивали около 30 раз, обычно ночами. Interrogated about 30 times, usually at night. Обычно допрос шел часа четыре, но однажды продолжался целых девять часов. I walked four hours usually interrogation, but one day lasted for nine hours. Иногда за четыре часа допроса мог быть написан всего один лист протокола, а иногда – больше десяти листов… Ни разу на допросах владыка не только никого не выдал, но и не совершил самооговора. Sometimes only one protocol sheet could be written in four hours of interrogation, and sometimes - more than ten sheets ... Not once during interrogations Bishop not only nobody gave, but not committed to self-incrimination.
Но вот объявлен приговор: 8 лет заключения в Мариинских лагерях Кемеровской области, прославившихся своей жестокостью. But then announced the sentence: 8 years in prison at the Mariinsky camps Kemerovo region, renowned for his cruelty. Работы для «идейных врагов соввласти» назначались самые тяжелые и грязные. Works for "ideological enemies of Soviet power" is assigned the most difficult and dirty.
Летом 1946 года владыка был вновь этапирован в Москву для нового следствия по ложному доносу. In the summer of 1946 Bishop was again transferred to Moscow for a new investigation on a false denunciation. Но вскоре доносчик отказался от своих показаний, и Преосвященного отправили в Темниковские лагеря Мордовии отбывать срок до конца. But soon the informer retracted his testimony, and His Grace was sent to serve his term to the end in the Temnikov Mordovia camp. Физически он был уже слаб и мог заниматься только плетением лаптей. Physically, he was weak and could do only made bast shoes. Через два года владыку отправили в Дубровлаг (в той же Мордовии), где по возрасту и состоянию здоровья он уже не работал. Two years later he was sent to Dubrovlag (in the same Mordovia), where the age and state of health he no longer worked.
Однако ни при каких обстоятельствах владыка не терял веры в Бога и чувства великой к Нему благодарности. However, under no circumstances, the lord did not lose faith in God, and a great sense of gratitude to Him. Еле живой после пыток, сдерживая стон, святитель часто говорил близким людям: «Давайте помолимся, похвалим Бога!» И первым запевал: «Хвалите имя Господне». Barely alive after being tortured, stifling a groan, the saint is often said to close people: "Let us pray, praise God!" And the first to lead the singing: "Praise the name of the Lord." И пение это его оживляло. And his singing is enlivened. Вновь пришедших узников владыка ободрял: «Не падай духом. Again came the lord of prisoners encouraged: "Do not be discouraged. Господь сподобил тебя, по Своей великой милости, немного за Него пострадать. The Lord has allowed you, in His great mercy, a little behind him suffer. Благодари Бога за это!» Thank God for that! "
Лагерные работы были всегда изнурительными, а часто и опасными. The camp works were always debilitating, and often dangerous. Однажды владыку Афанасия назначили инкассатором, чем он очень тяготился. Once appointed Bishop Athanasius the collector than he really was bored. Вскоре у него похитили тысячу рублей, о чем пришлось доложить начальству как о собственной недостаче. Soon he stole a thousand rubles, about what had to report to his superiors as a shortage of its own. Не разбираясь в деле, власти тут же наложили на заключенного тяжелые взыскания… Not figuring in the case, the authorities immediately imposed a heavy penalty on a prisoner ...
На Соловках владыка Афанасий заразился тифом. Solovki Bishop Athanasius had contracted typhus. Ему угрожала смерть, но Господь явно хранил Своего страдальца, и владыка выжил буквально чудом. He was threatened with death, but the Lord preserved His clearly the sufferer, and the prince survived miraculously.
Но при этом постоянном утомлении владыка видел духовную пользу – возможность проявить силу своей веры. But this constant fatigue Bishop saw spiritual benefit - an opportunity to show the power of their faith. Он неизменно держался устава Святой Церкви, никогда не прерывал молитвенного правила, молясь не только келейно, но и в обществе своих сокамерников. He always kept the statute of the Holy Church, never interrupt the prayer rules, praying not only privately, but also in the company of his fellow inmates. Даже в лагере он строго держал посты, находя возможность готовить постную пищу. Even in the camp, he strictly held positions, finding an opportunity to cook lean food.
С окружающими владыка держался просто и задушевно, находил возможность духовно утешать тех, кто «с воли» обращался к нему за поддержкой. With around Bishop held simply and sincerely, the opportunity to find spiritual comfort those who "from the outside" appealed to him for support. Никогда нельзя было увидеть его праздным: то он работал над литургическими заметками, то украшал бисером бумажные иконки святых, то ухаживал за больными. One could never see him idle: he worked on liturgical notes, is decorated with beads, paper icons of saints, then looked after the sick.
7 марта 1955 года епископа Афанасия освободили из Потьминского инвалидного дома, который своим лагерным режимом окончательно подорвал его здоровье. March 7, 1955 Bishop Athanasius was released from Potminskogo Wheel house, which his camp regime finally undermined his health. Вначале владыка поселяется в городе Тутаеве (Романов-Борисоглебск) Ярославской области, но затем выбирает для места жительства поселок Петушки Владимирской области. First settled in the town of Bishop Tutaev (Romanov-Borisoglebsk) Yaroslavl region, but then chooses to relocate the village of Petushki in Vladimir region.
Хотя с этого времени владыка формально был на свободе, власти всячески сковывали его действия. Although this time the lord was formally at large, the authorities strongly fettered his actions. В Петушках, например, ему разрешали совершать богослужения только при закрытых дверях храма и без архиерейских регалий. In Petushki, for example, he was allowed to conduct services only with closed doors of the temple without episcopal regalia.
В 1957 году прокуратура Владимирской области вновь рассмотрела дело 1936 года, по которому проходил владыка Афанасий. In 1957, the prosecutor of the Vladimir region re-examined the case in 1936, which marks the Bishop Athanasius. Владыка был допрошен на дому, приведенные им в свою защиту доводы не были признаны убедительными. Bishop was interviewed at home, the arguments were not considered conclusive given them in his defense. Реабилитации не состоялось… Rehab did not take place ...
Утешением для владыки были богослужения в Троице-Сергиевой лавре – ведь он, помня свой монашеский постриг в ее стенах, всегда считал себя в числе ее братии. The consolation for the lord was the service at the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius - he, remembering his monastic vows in its walls, has always considered himself among its brethren. Несколько раз владыка сослужил Святейшему Патриарху Алексию (Симанскому), а 12 марта 1959 года участвовал в хиротонии архимандрита Никона (Лысенко) во епископа Уфимского. Several times Bishop concelebrated with His Holiness Patriarch Alexy (Simanska) and March 12, 1959 participated in the consecration of Archimandrite Nikon (Lysenko) in Ufa bishop.
На одном из богослужений владыки Афанасия молящиеся заметили, что во время Евхаристического канона он ходил над полом храма, его как будто плавно выносила из алтаря какая-то волна… On one of the worship Bishop Athanasius worshipers noticed that during the Eucharistic canon, he walked off the floor of the temple, it seemed smooth removal from the altar some wave ...
Владыка Афанасий тяжело переживал новый этап либеральных гонений на Церковь в период «оттепели», умножал молитвы русским святым и Матери Божией – Покровительнице Руси. Bishop Athanasius was very upset by the new stage of liberal persecution of the Church during the "thaw", Russian multiplied prayers and holy Mother of God - Protecting Russia. Он даже свой уход на покой стал рассматривать как уклонение от борьбы с наступающим злом и хотел просить назначения викарным епископом, но подорванное здоровье не позволило продолжить общественное служение. He even his departure into retirement has become regarded as a failure to deal with the upcoming evil and wanted to ask the appointment of auxiliary bishop, but poor health is not allowed to continue the public service. Как бы тяжела ни была жизнь владыки Афанасия, он никогда не унывал. No matter how hard life was Bishop Athanasius, he was never discouraged. Напротив, в тюрьмах, лагерях, ссылках он преисполнялся какой-то удивительной энергии, находя спасительные для души занятия. On the contrary, in prisons, camps, exile, he is filled with some amazing energy, finding salvation for the soul sessions. Именно там, в застенках, возникла удивительная в литургическом смысле служба Всем русским святым. It was there, in the dungeons, there was an amazing sense in the liturgical service of all Russian saints. Она получила свою законченность после обсуждения с иерархами, которые были заключены вместе с владыкой Афанасием. She received her finish after discussion with the bishops, who were imprisoned together with Bishop Athanasius.
Одним из иерархов был и архиепископ Тверской Фаддей, прославленный Церковью как священномученик. One of the bishops was the archbishop of Tver and Thaddeus, celebrated by the Church as the martyr. И вот 10 ноября 1922 года в 172-й камере Владимирской тюрьмы впервые было совершено празднование Всем русским святым по исправленной службе. And November 10, 1922 at the 172nd Vladimir prison cell for the first time the celebration was committed to all Russian saints corrective service. Смерть матери побудила владыку не только к горячим сыновним молитвам о ней, но и к написанию фундаментального труда «О поминовении усопших по Уставу Православной Церкви», который был высоко оценен митрополитом Кириллом (Смирновым). Mother's death prompted the Bishop not only to hot filial prayers for her, but also to write the fundamental work "On All Souls' on the Charter of the Orthodox Church", which was highly appreciated by Metropolitan Kirill (Smirnov).
В августе 1941 года Преосвященный Афанасий составил «Молебное пение об Отечестве», исполненное глубокого покаяния и необычайной молитвенной силы, обнимающее все стороны жизни нашего Отечества. In August 1941, the Most Reverend Athanasius was "moleben of the Fatherland", filled with deep repentance and prayer extraordinary strength, embracing all aspects of the life of our homeland. В периоды заключений владыкой были составлены молебные пения «О сущих в скорбях и различных обстояниях», «О врагах, ненавидящих и обидящих нас», «О сущих в темницах и заточении», «Благодарение о получении милостыни», «О прекращении войн и о мире всего мира»… In periods lord conclusions were drawn "About who were in trouble, and various obstoyaniyah", "About the enemies that hate and wrong us," "About who were in prisons and prison", "Thanks for getting alms" moleben, "to end the war and the world of the world ... "
Святитель Афанасий поистине пел Богу «дондеже есмь» (Пс.45:1), пел даже во вратах смерти, и Господь сохранил Своего служителя для любимых им Церкви и Отечества. Saint Athanasius truly sang God "dondezhe am" (Ps.45: 1), sang even in the gates of death, and the Lord has kept His servant for his favorite Church and Fatherland. Годы исповедничества веры Христовой в лагерях и тюрьмах, как бы ни были они тяжелы и ужасны, стали на жизненном пути владыки Афанасия не потерей, а приобретением. Years of confession of faith in Christ in the camps and prisons, no matter how they are heavy and terrible in life became Bishop Athanasius no loss and acquisition. Они стяжали его смиренной душе тот благодатный свет духа, которого так недостает миру. They courted his humble soul that the blessed light of the spirit, which is so lacking in the world. На этот внутренний свет сразу со всех сторон потянулись люди, каждый со своими наболевшими жизненными вопросами. This inner light from all sides at once pulled people, each with their urgent vital issues. И люди эти встречались с человеком чистой души, наполненной непрестанной молитвой. And these people met with a man of pure soul filled with unceasing prayer. No one ever heard from Bishop word murmur in the prison of the past.
Каждого пришедшего встречал он незлобием, добротой, участием и любовью. Everyone who came, he met gentleness, kindness, love and participation. Он делился с каждым своим богатым жизненным опытом, раскрывал смысл Евангелия и житий святых угодников Божиих, помогал пастырям приводить пасомых к истинному покаянию. He shared with each of his rich life experience, he reveals the meaning of the Gospel and the lives of the saints, helped the shepherds lead their flock to true repentance.
Святитель любил в жизни все прекрасное, видя в нем отблеск вечности, и умел находить это прекрасное повсюду. Saint loved everything beautiful in life, seeing it as a reflection of eternity, and was able to find this beautiful everywhere. Живя в Петушках, владыка получал до 800 писем в год, поддерживая переписку со многими бывшими соузниками, скорби которых переживал как свои. Living in Petushki, Bishop received up to 800 letters per year, maintaining a correspondence with many former fellow-prisoner, who experienced grief like his. К Рождеству и Пасхе он посылал по 30–40 посылок нуждающимся в помощи и утешении. At Christmas and Easter he sent parcels 30-40 in need of help and comfort.
Духовные дети владыки Афанасия вспоминают, как он был прост и внимателен в общении, как ценил самую малую услугу, за которую всегда старался отблагодарить. Spiritual children remember Bishop Athanasius, he was simple and considerate communication, both appreciated the smallest service, for which he always tried to repay. Живя скромно, он почти не обращал внимания на внешность людей. Living modestly, he almost did not pay attention to the appearance of people. Не любил славу и честь людскую, учил творить добро только во славу Божию, чтобы не лишиться будущего воздаяния. He did not like fame and honor human, taught to do good only to the glory of God, so as not to lose the future retribution. Наставлял, что таланты – это дар Божий и ими нельзя гордиться. I teach that talent - a gift of God and they can not be proud of.
Однажды на вопрос «Как спастись?» он ответил: «Самое главное – это вера. Once the question "How to be saved," he said, "The most important thing - it is faith. Без веры никакие самые лучшие дела не спасительны, потому что вера – фундамент всего. Without faith, no the best deals is not salutary, because faith - the foundation of all. А второе – это покаяние. And the second - is repentance. Третье – молитва, четвертое – добрые Дела. The third - prayer, the fourth - to do good. И хуже всякого греха – отчаяние». And worst of all sin - despair. " К покаянию владыка учил прибегать как можно чаще, сразу, как только осознается грех, – очищать душу слезами покаяния. By repentance Bishop taught to resort as often as possible, as soon as they realized sin - to purify the soul with tears of repentance.
Молитва заполняла всю жизнь святителя и была такой живой и сильной, что молящиеся с ним отрешались от всего земного. Prayer filled St. entire life and was so alive and strong that praying with him set free from all earthly things. И многие по его молитве получали скорую помощь. And many got an ambulance on his prayer. Владыка часто говорил, что в трудных случаях жизни надо молитвенно прибегать к тому святому, чье имя ты носишь. Bishop often said that in difficult cases, it is necessary to the life of prayer to resort to the saint whose name you wear. Молитвенному обращению к нашим заступникам – святым Православной Церкви – он вообще придавал особое значение. Prayerful appeal to our intercessors - the saints of the Orthodox Church - he even gave a special meaning. Прозорливость свою владыка скрывал, обнаруживая ее в исключительных случаях и только ради пользы ближних, к нуждам которых никогда не оставался равнодушным и чьи немощи нес так терпеливо… Serendipity hide his lord, finding it in exceptional cases and only for the benefit of neighbors, to which the needs of the never remained indifferent, and whose infirmities bore so patiently ...
Еще в августе 1962 года владыка Афанасий начал говорить, что ему пора умирать. Back in August 1962 Bishop Athanasius began to say that he must die. Когда однажды ему ответили, что близкие чада не перенесут разлуки с ним, он строго заметил: «Разве можно так привязываться к человеку? Once, when he was told that the children of relatives will transfer separation from him, he strictly observed: "How can you become attached to a man? Этим мы нарушаем свою любовь ко Господу. That we break our love to the Lord. Не одни ведь, а с Господом остаетесь». Not one fact, and remain with the Lord. "
За несколько дней до блаженной кончины владыки Афанасия из лавры приехали наместник архимандрит Пимен, благочинный архимандрит Феодорит и духовник игумен Кирилл, что очень обрадовало Преосвященного. A few days before the death of the blessed Bishop Athanasius of Lavra Archimandrite Pimen arrived governor, dean of Archimandrite Theodore and abbot confessor Cyril, very pleased of His Grace. Это был канун пятидесятилетия его монашеского пострига. It was the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of his monastic vows. В самый день, в четверг, владыка был особенно благостным, благословляя всех присутствующих. The same day, Thursday, was particularly benevolent ruler, blessing all those present.
Но вот приблизилась смерть. But he is approaching death. Владыка уже не мог говорить, погруженный в молитву. Lord could not speak, lost in prayer. Однако в пятницу вечером он тихо сказал в последний раз: «Молитва вас всех спасет!» Затем написал рукой на одеяле: «Спаси, Господи!» But on Friday night, he quietly told the last time: "The prayer will save you all" then wrote up on the blanket: "Save me, Lord!"
В воскресенье 28 октября 1962 года, на память святителя Иоанна Суздальского святитель тихо предал свой дух Богу. On Sunday, October 28, 1962, in memory of St. John of Suzdal saint quietly gave up his spirit to God. Он предсказал этот день и час заранее. He predicted the day and hour in advance. Поставленный на архиерейскую кафедру Патриархом Тихоном епископ Афанасий за 33 года архиерейства провел на епархиальном служении 33 месяца, в изгнании – 76 месяцев, в лагерях – 254 месяца. Placed on the episcopal chair of Patriarch Tikhon, Bishop Athanasius in 33 years a bishop held at the diocesan service of 33 months in exile - 76 months in the camps - 254 months.
Мощи светителя находятся в Богородице-Рождественском монастыре, наместником которого он был в 1920 году. The relics are svetitelya Nativity monastery, which he was governor in 1920.

Тропарь святителю Афанасию исповеднику, епископу Ковровскому, глас 4 Troparion to St. Athanasius confessor, Bishop Kovrov, Tone 4

Славы Божия ревнителя / и благолепия церковнаго блюстителя, / тесным житием и многими подвиги / великому иерарху Александрийскому подобника, / святителя Афанасия, исповедника Российскаго, усердно восхвалим, вернии, / сей бо присно молится / о спасении земнаго Отечества своего / и о всех, живущих в нем, / велегласно с любовию взывая: / Русь Святая, / храни веру православную, // в нейже тебе утверждение. Glory of God zealot / and for beauty tserkovnago guardian, / close Life and many exploits / great hierarch of Alexandria Podobnik, / St. Athanasius, confessor Rossiyskago diligently praise, it is true / this bo ever pray / for the salvation zemnago Fatherland her / and all the living in it, / commandingly with love saying: / Holy Rus, / keep the Orthodox faith, neyzhe // in your statement.

Кондак святителю Афанасию исповеднику, епископу Ковровскому, глас 3 Kontakion confessor St. Athanasius, bishop of Kovrov, Tone 3

Днесь Афанасий святитель, / Христов исповедник и праведник, / в невечернем Царствии славы / светло ликует / и в сонме всех русских святых / всесоставным гласом победную песнь воспевая, / прилежно молит о нас // превечнаго Триединаго Бога. Dnes St Athanasius, / confessor of Christ and the righteous, to / from the Kingdom of unfading glory / light cheers / and in the assembly of all Russian saints / vsesostavnym voice singing the song of victory, / pray diligently about us // prevechnago Triedinago God.

Величание Magnification

Величаем тя, святителю отче Афанасие, / и чтим страдания твоя, яже во исповедание / Православие во Отечестве своем утвердил еси. We magnify thee, O holy hierarch, Father Athanasius, / and honor your sufferings, which is shed during confession / Orthodox in his own country, approved Thou. Ино величание (поем пременяюще): Величаем тя, святителю и исповедниче Христов Афанасие, / богодухновенными песньми Церковь Русскую украсившаго // и святых сродников наших любовию воспевшаго. Eno magnification (sing premenyayusche): We magnify thee, and to St. Athanasius ispovedniche Christ, / inspired pesnmi Church ukrasivshago // Russian saints and relatives, our lovingly vospevshago.